New, cleaner, simpler and easier to maintain/develop User Interface using material design (same as your android phone):
Other big changes:
- we finally switched from 32Bits to 64Bits, your computer will choose the correct version automatically.
- ~19.5% faster physics core thanks to 64 bit optimization
- New vehicles: Gavril Roamer and Ibishu 200BX
- New UI (WIP) - Press ‘Escape’ key to toggle
- Added torqueArm feature for correct reaction torque on cars’ axles
- Improved the performance of the physics core. x64 is ~19.5% faster now than the previous version x86 physics core
- Improved 64-bit support
- Improved pressure simulation (increases tire stability)
- Optimizations of pressure simulation
- Optimized the wheel simulation
- Small optimizations of the collision subsystem
- Changed physics realtime limit to be at 20 FPS
- Added feedback app - Use for bug reporting only
- Added ‘center of gravity’ debug
- Added ‘breakgroup’ debug
- Material editor supports Reflectivity Maps
- A notice will be shown if integrated video card gets used
- Added color gradient to ScatterSky in the mission file
- Added fixed nodes support
- SideReinfBeam option added to pressureWheel model
- Vehicle recovery system improvements . Press ‘Insert’ to use it
- Updating densities on every gfx frame for objects that are in water
- Added wheelSideReinfBeam (optional) and split up hub beam options (hubSide, hubTread, hubPeriphery) also optional
- Renamed decalroad difficulty property to drivability
- Added getTerrainDrivability
- Added floating point number filtering of the physics engine to increase the stability of T3D
- Improved AI basic route planning
- Added AI route positions optimization
- Added AI 3 point turns
- Added AI bump planning
- Added AI jump planning (WIP)
- Tuned vehicle tires
- Create hooks that T3D can call when input changes
- Show raw hardware controllers information
- Fixed duplicate beam/missing beam for the Grand Marshal lightbar
- Tweaked grand marshal ride height
- Fixed tiretester load problem.
- Add fallback for missing GlobalCubemap on levels - There is no need to manually add GlobalCubemap to a level to use static reflections
- Fixed infinite level loading when in fullscreen mode
- Fixed Fanatec pedals being unbindable
- Fixed differential mode toggle lua function
- Fixed welded/lsd differentials causing wheel instability
- Fixed combined throttle and brake causing wheel instability
- Fixed wheel torque reaction
- Fixed incorrect engine torque reaction
- Fixed negative gravity in sand/mud simulation
- Fixed Sunburst front lug nuts clipping through steel wheels
- Fixed vehicle not functioning without flexbodies section
- Fixed uneven force feedback at steering limits for all cars
- Fixed spurious crash sounds
- Fixed vehicle camera with mouse + rclick
- Fixed debug persistency breaking with module init
- Removed logline deduplication problem
- Fixed retaining of debug mode
- Improved nodeweight debug
- Fix invalid TerrainBlock ray cast, froze game at level load.
- Window title changes: now includes version and architecture
- Shape now using a normalized 1900x1080 resolution for calculation: improves chosen LOD model
- Make collada update of material.cs files optional.
- Removed dangerous code(infinite bucle) from Precipitation::wrapDrop
- Fix shader leak on shutdown
- Reduce recursive call in Win32Window::setVideoMode
- Fixed light flares on lowest texture quality: working now
- Fix missing vehicle shadows on lowest lighting.
- Split Material’s simulated and real time: police lightbar animation now slows down with slowmotion
- T3D Lua crash fixes on receiving evenings from multiple threads
- fixed Virtual filesystem destruction CTD on certain CEF file usage
- Disabled optimization on Octree code, some times dont work correctly: more stable now
- launcher should now kill of stray .ui processes when main process died
- added ability to show and hide the cef console dynamically: ALT+C
- Add support for Material’s reflectivity maps.
- Fix leak due to missing virtual dtor
- Render Forest objects when we use ScatterSky.lastSplitTerrainOnly
- Fix Decals normals: lighting on decals should be correct now
- Remove support for MNG: was not used, but still crashing
- disabled security relevant functions to improve the T3D sandbox
- Add color gradient files to ScatterSky
- Recicle DecalManager buffers every N frames for avoid the buffer lock problem.
- fixing CTD on canvas render invocation
- removed strange tab replacement in console, also added time to console log struct improved look and format
- improved error logging on fatal lua errors
- minor things, added lua startup script and file: -lua -luafile
- fixed CTD on T3D Lua reload, reloads are properly queued now
- Change SimXMLDocument for use virtual FS: used by editors settings.xml
- Add SimObject::inspectPostApply to Lua interface.
- Add debug log for a problem with SpotLight not updated correcty on scene octree.
- Avoid LightBase field set/read from dummy variable.
- Implement setVehiclePosition for recovery system
- Extend drawSquarePrism interface
- renamed difficulty to drivabilityon decalroads
- Add debug logs for try get more information about a frequent crash
- Safe code for CubeReflector::updateReflection
- Save console position
- Fix sort video modes for GFXPCD3D9Device::enumerateVideoModes.
- Enable SFXNullProvider as fallback when principal sfx provider fails to init,
- Fixed CTD: Check against NULL ptr in Win32Window::WindowProc
- Fix crash at startup when some input devices are connected.
- Reduce min window size
- Add check for detect when GPU drivers try to overide DX9 AA setting: fixes transparent vehicles for AMD GPU users
- Add safe code for avoid crashes when we call Platform::Altert during render.
- Fixed serious drivetrain differential bug
- improved physics core stability
- New vehicle: Gavril Roamer
- New vehicle: Ibishu 200BX
- New tire tuning for Covet, Grand Marshal, 200BX, Sunburst, & Gavril D/H series, using new side reinforcement beams
- New steering rack system for Gavril D/H series
- Revamped Sunburst rear suspension
- Tweaked susp damping so both ends have similar bounce frequency
- Minor tuning to improve handling balance and ffb feel on the Covet, Grand Marshal, Moonhawk, Sunburst, & Gavril D/H series
- Weakened D15 and Roamer roof structure to collapse more in rollovers
- Minor updates to the Inflated Mat
- AI Improvements
- Updated vehicles thumbnails
- Updated loading screen images
- Materials animation uses simulation time now
- Improved console logging
- Forest will cast shadows if ’last split on terrain only’ option is activated in the ScatterSky settings
Some stats from the 2nd of April to the 30th of April:
- 960 SVN revisions
- 188 GIT commits
- 216 internal tickets closed - 45 tickets closed but still to be tested by QA