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Would Beam ever consider co-developing a Console Port with another studio or outsourcing development

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BarrelTerror18, Jun 14, 2020.

  1. BarrelTerror18

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    Jan 7, 2018
    First off, Please Be Civil.

    Second, If you don't have any constructive input then please don't reply, I really don't want to see post along the lines of "Consoles Are Horrible, will never be good and PC is always superior" or "Consoles aren't powerful enough and never will be" as these are quite stubborn and Untrue/Inaccurate as Consoles (certainly the 9th gen Consoles) are probably more Powerful then most PC's in use.

    Third, I know that A console port is highly unlikely to happen especially by Beam themselves. I don't need to be told the same thing over and over again.

    Okay, So if Beam were to develop a Port themselves there are some things that I can easily see would happen.
    (In this situation, Beam would have actually committed to a console port. I'm saying this because it seems as though nobody would understand fully otherwise)
    It would definitely go to Xbox first, seeing as that would be the most familiar, least intensive and generally the easiest way to develop a Port. Compared to PS, porting from windows to Xbox is vastly easier. To the point where it might even end up as an Xbox Exclusive (console wise).
    would definitely benefit beam as a whole. (Especially business wise)

    However the more likely situation would be for Beam to co-develop with or outsource development to another developer.
    The largest Question with this however is whether or not Beam would even allow such a thing to take place.

    If I could, I would probably found a Development Studio and Port BeamNG to the Xbox Series X.
    The real question is if Beam would ever consider co-developing a Port with another studio or outsourcing development to a specialised Porting Studio such as Blitzworks?
  2. Alex_Farmer557

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    Dec 28, 2016
    • Agree Agree x 8
  3. Phym

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    Jan 1, 2020
    The Xbox Series X could run beam, but the devs said that they are focusing on the Windows platform, so the answer is a definite no, when the game is fully released, that could be a maybe. Although please stop making threads about this. Please.
    • Agree Agree x 6
  4. MrAnnoyingDude

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    May 4, 2016
    I ran equivalent specs through UserBenchmark, and to my disgrace, the new consoles have a healthy lead over my PC.

    And that one runs BeamNG fine.
  5. Phym

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    Jan 1, 2020
    So new consoles would run beam, except the devs won’t bother making a console version.
  6. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    The point?.. Have you seen how many requests there are for it? Obviously there is an untapped market share. As a business, that's enough of a point. If your main argument is "haha, people only have $500USD to spend on a PS5", then I don't even know what to say...
    • Agree Agree x 3
  7. Deleted member 197136

    Deleted member 197136
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    Beamng isn’t even finished yet. If we really want to discuss a potential console port, it should wait until the game releases. Or, and here’s a strange concept, reply to one of the many other threads that ask about a console release instead of making another one.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. B3_Burner

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    Mar 13, 2019
    I think anything's possible if given enough time... the question is more one of priority than it is possibility. I myself think it would be nice to see everyone's platform represented, but that's really a tough trick of the tail.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Ford GT81

    Ford GT81
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    Jun 16, 2020
    It will be extremely unlikely in its current state But in the future its possible. My guess is about 2022 area.
  10. forgottenusername

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    Jun 16, 2020
    Even if it was for some reason ported to console, there are so many bindings that require multiple key presses it'd be impossible to make a controller work where all controls are usable easily without having to use a pause screen for actions.
  11. BarrelTerror18

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    Jan 7, 2018
    I've seen your argument before and I should need to say is that Controls are not a problem. All you need is a simple menu where you can activate said functions. Something that BeamNG already has, in the form of the wheel menu that appears when the escape key. If you need even more convincing there are plenty of notable examples that have gone through the process and have been ported. One such example is Kerbal Space Program.
  12. P_enta

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    Jan 11, 2020
    For the Series X, this would be amazing!

    Would be incredible if they could figure out how to take advantage of the Ray Tracing capabilities of the next-gen consoles as well...

    I'm afraid it would be too expensive though.
  13. Aboroath

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    Aug 25, 2013
    The new consoles could certainly run BeamNG from a horsepower perspective in many ways I suspect. That being said I think the only way it could be feasible near term is through some sort of emulation. Consoles are a custom and proprietary architecture, geared for very specific things. Getting the now very custom BeamNG code to operate in that environment would be an immense amount of work. Besides, I think putting a PC orientated beta game on consoles would be a train wreck for the devs. The theory and evolutionary practice of this game would probably make console manufacturers run for the hills too. I do think down the road we could definitely see the game tech mature enough to be licensed and implemented into games of all sorts and all platforms. I might not be alive to see that day but one can hope:p.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  14. BarrelTerror18

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    Jan 7, 2018
    First, I believe EA has already destroyed most of the AAA market. AA games are more popular.
    Second, BeamNG wouldn't need core gameplay to be successful on consoles. BeamNG (I predict) would be very successful on console besides part of what makes BeamNG so enjoyable is the physics, that and how you can use the physics to destroy things.
    Third, The Controller problem isn't an issue as I have said before, more than once.
    In one of the previous threads, someone also brought it up.
    Fourth, In addition to the points I mentioned in the Original Post on this thread:
    Xbox has many ways to help make porting a game easier, such as the 'Game Preview' program. Which is Literally Early Access.

    Fifth, Mods are no problem, You also do not need to charge either. There is the UCC (User-Created-Content, i.e Mods) platform on Xbox, 2 good examples of well-implemented UCC repositories on Xbox are the respective repositories on 'Surviving Mars' and 'Farming Simulator 17'

    Sixth, In one of my previous threads, in the OP I stated:
    The Question and point of that thread was simply "Can the Xbox Series X run BeamNg.Drive, If given the chance too?" and the Answer was; Yes, yes it can.

    Seventh, While Developing a port of BeamNG for Xbox would take some work, It would be less work than any other console which is why I can realistically only ever see Beam being ported to Xbox over Playstation for example. This also why I consistently refer to the Xbox Series X and not consoles in general.
    Eighth, There is a market. Hell, there wouldn't be so many threads asking for a port I there wasn't one!
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