A 242 GT and a old Subaru advert. Yay for randomised wallpapers on different monitors, I guess. Weird right pic is because that screen is a much lower res and aspect ratio than the other.
Mine: Here's the link if you want the mod BTW: https://www.beamng.com/resources/codename-oldsfullsize.1417/
on my mac a macos seira wallpaper on my desk top that i play on a pic i took of a brige then photoshoped the crap out of it
I did a trace of the hallway from ttt_kosovos from Garry's M- I mean a totally related game. (Right click and open in new tab, can't upload to imgur right now) My desktop background is "Physics God" made by some good artist.
What do you guys think? Main (Me and my best friend): This is my second one. I use this when she comes by. (She might think I'm weird):