afaik , gabe mentioned that the legran will follow shortly after the 2400i. i don't know where and when he said this , but it wasn't a long time ago. who knows , maybe this update will be similar to the burnside/pessima one, just with different cars and bigger overall. edit : fixed terrible spelling
Well... The release date could be one of two things. But, this depends on if the next update is 6.0.0 or not. If it is, then it could be this weekend, as the devs said in the next few weeks for the update, or next month or the one after. If it's not, then definitely this weekend But this is just a geuss
It is going to be 0.6, Tdev stated this in the "Something is still on the horizon" Blogpost.
Trailers will most likely be separate vehicles. If you turn off vehicle collisions for the T series, the 5th wheel clips through the frame, meaning the 5th wheel is already a separate vehicle attached to the T series. The trailer will probably be an extension of the 5th wheel. It's just collision triangles, nothing to see here.
Logbook Starship Enterprise, Stardate -306466.0903346994. People are still discusting about the relase Date of the new Update. Mr.Spock says that this is very illogical.
Nope, this happens because disabling inter vehicle collision essentially works by disabling all collision triangles. This also means that vehicles that relied on these triangles for certain things might work worse after disabling it.
Yeah, he also stated that the Bluebuck would follow the LeGran and then the Wendover. But...they might end up working on an unnamed car in the process (Like both of the released ETK's).
i dont think the legran and 2400i will be released together, i think by "shortly" they could mean the next update or two after the 2400i