
Discussion in 'Content Creation' started by ACrashingPokeman, Oct 19, 2018.

  1. ACrashingPokeman

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    Jun 24, 2018
    Hello, I've been wanting to create a ZF transmission mod (for personal use, maybe I'll upload if things go well and the original jbeam author allows it.) for the Wentward. I've copied the transmission jbeam from michealflat's powertrain mod and edited some values already. But, I still have questions.
    1. I wanted to include a "hold gear" of sorts by adding a 1 & 2 gear selection to the "PRDNM" part of the jbeam so it looks like this: "PRDNM12" is that correct?
    2. the values for the transmission have been sorted out. do i need to import any models? if so, how?
    3. Do I need to specify how many speeds there are in the gearbox?
  2. Michaelflat

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    Jul 10, 2014
    Well well well, I'm here :p

    It is like comma separated values, start off negative (for reverse) then at 0 for neutral, and then positive (from 1st to 6th). No need to specify how many gears there are, the game knows already.

    In the stock game, we have two modes of "hold gears", there is mode "M" where you can choose any gear you want, from 1st to 6th, and the transmission will downshift below those when the RPM is too low (to stop it stalling), you can prevent this by writing a line of code which I can't remember off the top of my head (I'll reply here with it).

    Then there is the mode used in the gavrils and most cars, "2" will allow automatic operation up to gear 2, so it will start off in 1st, then go into 2nd. It can also downshift from 2nd to 1st if you accelerate hard or just slow down. "1" (or named as "L" on the gear levers of the cars interior) will lock the transmission into 1st gear.

    Imo the second mode is more appropriate, so you would use this:

    PRND21 (like on gavrils trucks and cars etc.) you could add the M mode but using the two in conjunction would get confusing quite quickly.

    Also I recommend doing P-R-N-D you can do it differently, but the general BeamNG and well public :p know the PRND sequence.

    It's also a good idea to mention how many speeds are in the gearbox in the part name, to make it easier selecting parts :)
  3. Michaelflat

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    Jul 10, 2014
    Also i have the ZF added to my mod now :)
  4. SebastianJDM

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    Apr 9, 2017
    rather than using the ZF 8-speed, i tend to use the ETK 8-speed, as it's more lore-friendly, and it's directly comparable to the ZF. it seems every new car has a ZF 8HP, especially performance cars like the BMW, Audi, and Alfa lineups. the ETK trans may not even be an ETK trans, it could be a separate company's product that's used in a variety of cars in the beamverse.
  5. Michaelflat

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    Jul 10, 2014
    whoops meant to say the ZF Ecomat transmission, it's very similar to the Gavril 6 speed.
  6. SebastianJDM

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    Apr 9, 2017
    ah, understandable lol. the etk 8 feels pretty great in the d-series though, especially when cruising around on the highway on wcusa.
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