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Thermal Related Question

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by jtreign9097, May 10, 2016.

  1. jtreign9097

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    Aug 22, 2013
    Here in thermals are are more options that could be added and if so what options would they be.. i did notice on the covet there are presets to have damaged head gasket and piston rings and such... but i am curious about another thermal part...

    //cooling and oil system
    "engineBlockMaterial":"aluminum" <--------- This has gotten my curiosity

    would "engineHeadMaterial":"aluminum" be a factor and could it work?
    or a transmission code for when it loses transmission fluid or overheats the same way a radiator does since the transmission normally has 2 cooling lines to the radiator or an independent oil cooler for the transmission?
    of course the transmission thermal section would be at the end of the of the transmission jbeam much like the engines setup. my main issue it if i code it will it work to a degree as the game seeing it as a radiator or is this something hard coded that only a Team Dev would know.... i wanna try and see if its possible if viscous coupling can generate heat.. to heat the fluid in the transmission. the engines radiator would of course heat up tranny as you drive harder or heat up the radiator faster under load... i am sure these are developments in the making but are some or a few of these things possible now?
  2. Jurrunio

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    Sep 23, 2015
    Material determines the heat capacity of the engine block, which affects how quickly the engine block heats up.
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