SPR4 Spoiler

Discussion in 'Content Creation' started by SeenCreaTive, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. SeenCreaTive

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    Sep 8, 2013
    Hey guys,

    Disclaimer, I know nothing about coding for the most part. I generally mod the vehicles in game, by changing values, frankensteining code (giving suspension progressive rate), or changing part files (giving the normal D15 pick up the PIGs rear coil overs)

    Decided to dig into the spoiler of the new SPR4 (I think its my favorite now), for A: how it works, and B: Does it actually give any down force or braking

    A: it looks to be a rather simple LUA script. Once wheel speed reaches 25 (idk what that means, but its 100km/h) spoiler goes to 1. With brakes it adds .5.
    Looking at the spoiler hydros you can see the values

    B: Looking at the files, I don't see any evidence of it actually giving down force. I do recall in a devblog them adding a LiftCoef block. I actually have no idea how wings work in BeamNG. Looking at planes all I see is Dragcoef. (Or some might use Lua if Im reading it correctly?)

    Forgive me if Im being a newb at this point, like I said, 0 knowledge of coding
  2. Jurrunio

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    Sep 23, 2015
    Can't answer A, as I only tune numbers

    B: down force is not written in code. Instead, it is calculated in game base on shape and direction of wind. Check the UI editor and there is one wind controller. Use a car with big spoiler (200BX race/drift), and turn on the fan. You can see the rear pushed down and even the spoiler flying off
  3. Dummiesman

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    Sep 17, 2013
    Ehh not exactly.

    liftCoef was always "there" per-say, but it was always the same as dragCoef. Now with liftCoef we just have more fine tuning over the L/D ratio. So on the SBR4, the rear wing has a liftCoef of dragCoef, and does create downforce and drag.
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