We cant give promises but we can hope That is a TGS, however the bumper is from a TGM but we can always just add it PS: Reason for no update is because of several unexpected and unplanned things in our lives. We are working on it but progress is quite slow with still only us on the jbeam and model side
the only way that helps is to find someone who is good at creating jbeams like CYCJoseph he created the capsule i think he is an expert for buses ore DaddelZeit he's generally good at creating jbeams yes this helps not your problem with the live but it makes easyer to make the mods
is this resource only available here? Or will it be put on the repository as an official resource later?
It's currently only available here because it has a brand name. I do not know whether he plans to rebadge it later for the forums.