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Set car as police in traffic.

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by axistookmyname, Dec 26, 2019.

  1. axistookmyname

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    Aug 24, 2015
    Pre-traffic police cars don't chase the player when violating the speed limit or crashing into them, is there a way to set a car as police?
  2. Occam's Razer

    Occam's Razer
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    Aug 7, 2013
    Depends on what you mean by 'pre-traffic', but I'm going to assume you mean that some modded police configurations made years ago don't work with the traffic tool.

    The traffic tool determines whether a car is a police car by checking each car's configuration. If the configuration's name contains the consecutive characters P,O,L,I,C, and E in that order, it's a police car. There's no way I know of to designate a car as a police car in-game, but it should be easy enough to save out a custom config and load it up for the traffic tool.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  3. axistookmyname

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    Aug 24, 2015
    Wow, that was simple enough.
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