Set AI traffic to be the average traffic for a specific year

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by emdgp9, Aug 4, 2022.

  1. emdgp9

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    Nov 21, 2020
    Setting AI traffic to be a specific year-type traffic would be cool, especially for years such as 1995, as there is a lot of cars from around then. It would also be nice if it worked with mods, so if you have a lot of mods installed it will also work. So if you wanted to do an 80s style police chase, you could do that and include mods. Or if you just want to cruise around West Coast like it's the 70s, you could do that.
    Also a nice AI feature would be to have taxis spawn, especially in the largest parts of the city
  2. thegamerpt

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    Jun 15, 2022
    1. Traffic can spawn modded cars, there is a option for it.
    2. You can spawn whatever cars you want to spawn, first, spawn the cars that you want to be played as traffic, then go to the radial menu, AI, Traffic, Play Traffic.
    Why are there so many people that don't know that they can spawn traffic with whichever cars they want?
  3. emdgp9

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    Nov 21, 2020
    I know this, but I was saying it would be easier to have the traffic spawn for a specific year. Stop acting entitled. It would be more efficient to have this. And by mods work I know they work normally. I was saying it would be nice to have the mods work with the traffic year.
    Please don't act like you're better than people.
  4. Turbo49>

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    Apr 1, 2021
    He only gave you a response and wondered something he's not acting like he's better than you dude
  5. emdgp9

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    Nov 21, 2020
    "Why are there so many people that don't know that they can spawn traffic with whichever cars they want?"
  6. Turbo49>

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    Apr 1, 2021
    Well there indeed are many people who do not know that.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. emdgp9

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    Nov 21, 2020
    While yes, he still assumed I didn't know that. I don't see the point of being a jerk about it like he did
  8. Turbo49>

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    Apr 1, 2021
    What'swrong with assuming you didn't know something, especially when you didn't say you know it ? From what you've said it could've been you didn't know you could make your own traffic and just wanted to be able to have certain cars in traffic, not that you wanted the quality of life improvment that would be to have a slider for that.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. thegamerpt

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    Jun 15, 2022
    I wasn't being a jerk, I was answering your questions, I also assumed that you didn't know that because the way you made that question made me think you didn't know. And yes, I do keep the last thing I said, because I've encountered many many people that don't know that feature. Wasn't being rude and if it seemed rude to you, well, I'm sorry
  10. emdgp9

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    Nov 21, 2020
    Ok then why say it? There’s no point of assuming stuff, and it comes off not that nice. I’m not trying to be a jerk but saying that stuff usually doesn’t do anything good for you.
    And my idea was based on the fact that spawning in a bunch of cars, going into AI, and hitting Start is more difficult than just typing in a year
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    I knew how to make my own traffic. It would be easier to just put in a year for traffic then spawning in 12 cars. It’s just a suggestion, and what’s wrong with making stuff easier?
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    And it would also be better for the AI to have different trims of vehicles.
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    And saying “Why are there so many people
    who don’t know… (something)” to someone who ends up knowing (something) comes off a little passive aggressive, even if I didn’t know that, there’s no point of having that comment especially after than putting in 1. YOU CAN DO THIS . 2 MODS SPAWN ALREADY!!! and then a comment that basically equals “U know less about the game than I do. SMH.” I don’t see the point of these rather than a comment that would be a bit more better worded. And then you proceed to say “I didn’t do anything wrong!” which just makes the situation worse rather than trying to figure out what the other persons point is.
    Sorry for the rant but I feel that comment had no purpose than just being annoying, even if you were trying to help or “wondering” or whatever.
  11. shinchanf1

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    Nov 12, 2019
    This idea would be better as era's type traffic. For example traffic option for 1980's cars or 2000's cars.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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