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Released Realistic Headlight Patterns

Discussion in 'Mods and Skins' started by Jfef, Feb 20, 2022.

  1. Jfef

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    Dec 2, 2017
    Hey guys, quick question (I want to update the mod a bit :3)
    1. Should I make the lights brighter? Primarily on projector cars and ones that look like they should be quite bright
    2. Should I combine the default circular beam with the actual realistic beams? So it can light up street signs and some things around (But not too bright)
    Thank you :D
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. rking.esd

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    Jul 16, 2023
    I wouldn't mind brighter lights if possible.
  3. robert357

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    Mar 15, 2016
    Adding weak vanilla cone lights should overall brighten up lights.
  4. Jfef

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    Dec 2, 2017
    true true, im gonna experiment a bit with it and see what it does
  5. Alberto04

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    Jul 2, 2017
    Would be nice to also support the Stambecco
  6. Jfef

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    Dec 2, 2017
    Oh yeah right, I kinda forgot that existed, ill most probably give it some beams too :D
  7. [Loothure]Alexwah

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    Dec 18, 2019
    i dont know if you are able to do a light version where the headlight move in the direction you steer, like in some Opel cars wich has xenon lights i think they called adaptive headlights
  8. wearyNATE15

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    Oct 15, 2015
    They're already plenty bright in my opinion, if anything maybe slightly dimmer. Most factory lighting isn't a true 100% cutoff so there is still some glare to light up the street signs, so that would be a nice addition if it can be done correctly.
    --- Post updated ---
    Yeah, those are Adaptive Headlights (AFS). My G37 has them, its a pretty cool feature.
  9. fabio

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    Feb 17, 2016
    So, I took some time and went through all patterns and configs and I have a few suggestions. Note, that I'm writing about non-repo version.

    - I noticed, that the road illumination is not that good.At the same time, the walls are illuminated better and sufficient. Do you think this is something you could fix, or is it just a game thing?
    - I'd love to see more mod support, like Gavril Scout, Ibishu Claria and Signia, Gavril Vertex, Civetta Mondello, and of course KLJP.
    - I think, that older cars should have ''older patterns''. more like it's on 200BX now.
    - Would be possible to give Vivace different pattern, with higher trim? If not, I think you should add DOT pattern as an optin like in repo version.
    - Bolide - all petterns are flat, not only US version. Would you consicer update.
    - Offroad Scintilla is missing patterm despite it has normal headlights.
    - I think ETK800 should have differetn patterwith halogen headlights. More like Sunburst.
    - Maybe an update an Etki patterns as it's not EU car and it shouldn't be flatt.
    - Stambeco and Wydra patterns are missing.
    - D-series, some versions need adjusting as some headlight illuminate too close to each other.
    - Roamer Fl needs adjustmen as the left one lights too much to the right.
    - 200BX - needs an adjustment - left one lights too much to the left.
    - Hopper - needs adjustmen as both are too much to the left.
    - New Pessima - needs an anjustment - left too much to the right - both version halogen and HID.
    - Old pessima maybe just an pattern update? needs glow to be reduced.

    Please note, that those are only mine observations, before anyone stumbles over my words.

    I know this is a lot, but I think those things need a bit of attention, otherwise, as mentioned before many times, great addition to BNG. :)
    • Like Like x 2
  10. Jfef

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    Dec 2, 2017
    I did have that in mind, but after tinkering around a lot, its a bit hard for me so I might- add them but not in the near future ;;

    Yeah, thats what im trying to do, Ill overlap the default beams with the current ones so it ever so slightly lights up the surroundings like signs and make the road slightly more visible :)

    Yes, I could do that :D Ill be sure to do all the above mentioned, giving the vivace a DOT pattern shouldnt be too hard. Ill most probably update all those cars along with the little "revamp" ill be doing (adding an overlapping default beam)

    Ill upload a video explaining it in a bit :D
    --- Post updated ---

    Heres a short video comparing the lights. First car, the etk k is the normal one, road isnt that visible, signs not very visible but against the wall its bright. 2nd car, a mod (m340i) has the 2 beams combined, against the wall it isnt glaring bright (kind of a bit brighter but ill adjust), signs visible (though not from that far) and road is very visible and clear. So, you guys agree i make the beams like the 2nd one?

    (Btw if u cant see the video, give it some time to process lol)
    • Like Like x 1
  11. wearyNATE15

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    Oct 15, 2015
    Yeah I like the M340 where it lights up the signs. I still am sticking to my original statement of the lights being too bright personally though lol
  12. Jfef

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    Dec 2, 2017
    I do agree, its too bright. We can see the beams at daytime very clearly but if i dont do that itll be a bit hard to see the actual road surface at night. Ill try to balance it out and see the sweet spot :]
  13. wearyNATE15

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    Oct 15, 2015
    Something I would look into is trying the same method the IIHS uses to test headlights. After setting up some cones 100 feet apart, it looks like some of the lights actually underperform with others overperfoming compared to real headlights on similar models.

    Using the bastion with HIDs (comparing to a 2021 Charger with factory HIDs), the low beam cutoffs on the driver side only shine about 100 feet, and the passenger side shining roughly 300-320 feet.
    According to IIHS, the chargers left side should be roughly 240ft and the right side should be 334ft. Right side looks pretty accurate.
    Now the high beams shine over 500 feet away, which is optimal according to IIHS but not realistic compared to the charger.

    I feel like if you wanted to really make these headlights as realistic as possible, something like this could be really useful. After seeing this, the headlights might actually not be too bright

    I forgot to mention, they only test to the point where 5 lux and above is visible, anything lower they don't score. I'm not sure if theres a way to measure brightness in beam or not
    #313 wearyNATE15, Sep 4, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2023
  14. Nick Semenov

    Nick Semenov
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    Sep 24, 2020
    How to activate cornering?
  15. Jfef

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    Dec 2, 2017
    Thank you for the very in depth feedback :D Ill try my best to follow the IIHS ratings :]

    I have disabled them for now, they have been causing a bit of issues

    and sorry i've been sick for the past week so ive been quite inactive ;;
    • Like Like x 1
  16. JustOneCarGuy

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    Oct 4, 2020
    Hope you're doing OK, one question, as I have seen before others have noticed that the mod seems to be a bit too bright and to me sometimes the road is not much more lit up than the vanilla headlights, when can one expect an update in this regard? Thank you for your answer and keeping this mod alive.
  17. fabio

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    Feb 17, 2016
    I think this is a game problem as it was that way back since the first version of the mod. For some reason the road is not illuminated as much as walls are.
  18. Jfef

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    Dec 2, 2017
    Hello, I will probably start working on updating the mod soon. And as to why I think the roads isnt too lit up is because most of the roads ingame are dark. Irl I have noticed that if I drive on a smooth, black asphalt road with no markings, its quite hard to actually see the road compared to a brighter concrete ish color. And making things worse, at night there isnt any street lights. So next up ill make the beams a bit dimmer, but combine it with the default beamng beams to light up the surroundings and the road more.
  19. wearyNATE15

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    Oct 15, 2015
    This here. Dark roads will be poorly lit up regardless of lighting. Example being they just paved about a mile long section of highway near me, the old asphalt is lit up alright in the dark but when you get to the new section it is hard to see, you really only see the reflectors on the road being lit up. When it is raining out that really exaggerates the issue.
  20. Jfef

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    Dec 2, 2017
    Yeah lol, but for some of the cars I did make it a bit too dim to the point where we cant see like brighter colored roads, let alone the dark ones. My holidays is coming soon so I might update it by then :D
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