I'm loving the addition of pacenotes! Like, this easily made it 10 times more fun than a regular A to B time trial. Considering the reputation BeamNG got for simulating rallying, this is really huge addition in my opinion I'm probably gonna repeat some of the same talking points as some things has most likely been already mentioned, but these are my impressions so far: - By default, pacenotes could be moved closer to the centre vertically, about the same position as the countdown. Currently they're too close to the edges so you have to intentionally move your eyes more than it would be comfortable, and pay less attention to the road. They should be very easily readable, and very quickly, so ideally as close to where you would be looking as possible while not obstructing it (I was driving from cockpit, but I think that problem is the same for 3rd person as well) - I see that audio annotation has some valid concerns with it, but some kind of audio indication is incredibly important I believe. So maybe in the meantime there could be some simple audio cue that plays every time an upcoming corner pacenote is active. Like, maybe some kind of default sound, like the one where you cross a checkpoint, or the one when you click on buttons, whichever will fit better lol - Car selection! Maybe allowing custom configs too. I sometimes find default rally configs too fast for my skill level, so I take those configs and detune them to Rally4 or Rally5 P/W targets. Maybe same logic as career missions, you can't gain stars with other than a required vehicle - I know this is only a preview, but this is more of a want. I wish all previous rally time trial scenarios would be later converted into rally mode. The more the merrier with rally! I've noticed sandbox WCUSA scenarios and career scenarios/missions differ from each other, which WCUSA has some fun scenarios that are not available in career, and vice versa, hoping this is not gonna be the case with rally mode. Maybe this is already planned, in which case just leaving this out here to be confirmed or not - Another want, is maybe sequential stages. Like, if there's multiple stages on one map, then transition from one stage to another would carry over any damages that you've had in previous stages. And maybe you could have limited resources on repairing... but that's a whole another can of worms, depends on how elaborate the rally mode is planned to be
Feedback is an essential for any kind of racing. The controller support for this game is great but the feedback from it can be a lot better. So while on the topic of good controller feedback, is there support planned for PS5 Dualsense?
There is a new UI app called Radio or something like that, which could mean that they are working on audio pacenotes, this could be great ngl but like you I would prefer sound effects rather than the same voice sample for each corner of the same nature --- Post updated --- Just like Muye stated in his video, I would prefer the UI app to be on the bottom rather than the top for more conveniance
Probably not, but mods can help with that! https://www.beamng.com/resources/dsx-dualsense-adaptive-triggers.28759/
As a creator of modded rally stages and other rally content, there are a few additional structured note types I would like to see added, below is the list and why; Tightens: For corners that tighten, maybe have this be an auto note like the and/into notes if two corners of the same direction are near one another. Opens: Same as tightens in concept just for the opposite type of corner. Long/Short: This could be another auto call if a corner exceeds or is below a certain degrees, say under 45deg = short and over 135deg = long, might be tough to auto code it so it would be fine as a sub note as well. Surface Change: This can be a sub note like jumps or water. It would be helpful for stages that have mixed surfaces to warn the user of a surface change. Slippery: Similar to a surface change but more brief. Good for patches of ice or mud on a stage. Cut: Opposite of don't cut, a sub note where a cut will be safe and faster that the normal road. Acute: Similar to square corners, but for ~135deg intersections, can be replaced by tight hairpin calls I suppose Chicane left/right entry: Very much needed IMO. Most rally stages in the modern era have speed check chicanes to prevent speeds from getting too high Widens: Opposite of narrows, helps the driver understand that suddenly more road width will be available. ------- - Also: The straight notes currently do not work so you cannot signify jumps/bumps/etc in a straight line, corners only. Overall it is FANTASTIC and I look forward to seeing this evolve over time
please make it so for each rally u have the choice of a manual, only 1 of 3 races lets you use a manual
The visual UI pacenote app isn´t scaleable, or how do I do it? When I tried to reduce the size, it was just cropped and cut, and after trying to rescale it to the original size it disappeared alltogether. Any hint how to solve this?
I had a bug with the pacenotes where i wanted to do a straight and a jump but all it did was giving me an "issue"
Please do not implement it like this. It doesn't really matter about the vibe, maybe make random sound effects an option, but decoding sounds for corners rather than already known numerical pacenotes sounds annoying and convoluted. The "let's not do anything properly" brigade are annoying.
I agree entirely. I've been playing rallymode mod which has had voiced pace notes for a long time and it takes nothing away from the game at all, and only serves to add. It's not pacenotes if there isn't someone yelling them at you. It NEEDS to be voiced or it's not better than just having icons that show up on the screen.
FYI you can load any of the stages from freeroam and have a choice of other vehicles from the mission setup screen
I see a handful of people saying they would prefer notes without a voice but I’d like to voice my opinion in favor of adding it as a human element. Though it’s understandably more difficult to implement as the emotion can easily feel unfitting.
I thought it goes without saying - but I agree: without voice pace notes it is not rallying, it is arcade time trial. But I think it will go in this direction anyway because this was just the first step.