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Poll and SBR4 both gone

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Again_Dejavu, Apr 17, 2015.

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  1. vmlinuz

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    Mar 2, 2014
    I am honestly curious to see how the finished SBR4 will look. Please don't take it away from us just because some people said stupid things. Pls giv SBR4 :(

    I don't recall saying anything insulting about the SBR4, but I sincerely apologize if I did.
    #61 vmlinuz, Apr 17, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2015
  2. CaffeinatedPixels

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    Oct 2, 2012
    The community expects every SINGLE GOD DAMN CAR to be perfect. Oh, because every single car ever built always looks perfect, right guys?

    (imported from here)

    (imported from here)

    Now before flipping your shit because our Lord and Savior Gabe made an ugly car, remember that there ARE ugly cars in real life. Isn't this supposed to be realistic?
  3. Cardinal799

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    Oct 15, 2013
    I support your post, but I don't consider the Aztek to be a car.

    It's a nightmare.

    Worse than if everything was spiders.
  4. HadACoolName

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    Aug 3, 2013
    Leave Australia alone!
  5. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    You know what.

    In my opinion, you're wrong. But I frankly don't give a flying fuck because overall you're right.

    In my opinion the SBR4, while perhaps unusual, its not an ugly car. Honestly I find the Burnside more repulsive but that is due to my personal taste and not because the car is outlandishly wrong, I also find the grand marshal uglier. Perhaps it can look better and while I can see where critics come from, I didn't agree with them.

    But. It doesnt matter. Not every car on the road is a beautiful machine. I sat behind a Q7 on the way home and that has an ugly butt. We have aztecs, multiplas, whatever the hell that wagon you posted is (seriously, what is that? Although in a way there is something cool about it...)
  6. redrobin

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    Aug 21, 2012
  7. VeyronEB

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    Aug 5, 2012
    And this sums up this thread. Some like the car some dont. Easy.
  8. HadACoolName

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    Aug 3, 2013
    I'd drive it & the Aztek tbh
  9. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    I don't like the moonhawk. I don't like the grand marshal. I'm not even a fan of the D15.

    Some here just love them.

    I frankly love the covet.
  10. roland91

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    Jul 12, 2014
    I actually really really did want to buy the Trans Sport...

    Actually still would if I found one in my country for a bargain.
  11. aljowen

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    Oct 21, 2012
    Sad to see that it is gone, i certainly voted for it. While i did think the shape was a little unconventional with detail added to it it would have probably looked really awesome.

    But it is very hard to work on something that you do not want to and if you end up in that situation then the end product will probably suck a bit. Personally i dont mind if you ditch the polls and work on what inspires you most at any given time, i am still interested to see the cool stuff that is being produced so screenshots etc would be awesome but polls seem like you are cornering yourself into certain projects.

    My guess is that 90% of the people who insulted it were doing so just because they wanted the final design to be as good as possible, not because they hated it or wanted to insult you.
  12. TheAdmiester

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    Aug 7, 2012
    Driving the Aztek is probably the best position to be in around an Aztek, purely because you don't have to see it as often.
  13. HadACoolName

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    Aug 3, 2013
    & you get to sell methamphetamine
  14. randomshortguy

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    Aug 9, 2013
    My neighbour drives an Aztek, though I don't think they're ugly. Just unconventional, like the Juke. It actually looks very much like the Nissan Juke, and that sold well.


    Dear Gabe,

    The internet is a place of insensitivity. People will simply comment on how they feel about something, thoughtless to the person behind the screen, thoughtless to the effort & soul that goes into the creative process. Yes, I think the SBR4 looks funky. Does this mean that your original, creative idea is stupid and worthless? No. People have intentions of providing input so that it can be improved (in their eyes, key point), but some people can't be arsed to explain their input so they determine "it's hideous, fix pls." Ultimately it's up to you to make the final product, and if it's for other people to consume then it will be criticized by these other people.

    It's probably happened innumerable times where a car designer at Ford or Hyundai or whatever have put hours of work into a beautiful original concept - only for it to be shot down in favour of a more traditional design. But without this creative "let's try something new" humanity would not have advanced beyond overfender bathtub mobiles of the 1920s, or any other innovation for that matter. My point is, stay creative and don't be put off by harsh criticism. Caring about what other people think is key for social interaction, but destructive to one's self-esteem. It's easy to say "I could have done that better", but most people don't ever even try. I was thinking about the iPhone 6+, thinking "why would the camera extrude like that, you can't put it flat on a table!" then I had to realize that a lot of work went into the concept, design, construction and production of this product, so who am I to say it sucks?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Godzilla!

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    Mar 17, 2013
    Practically everyone in the thread went against each other saying "That car is rubbish, don't add it" and "This car is ugly and stupid." Most of the people went immature in it. I don't mind the SBR4 not being the prettiest car in BeamNG (It did had a cool unique look to it), I guess the others cared how it looks.

    By the way, I don't think we would even get the SBR4 now. Just like the Gavril GV in Rigs of Rods. ._.
  16. Koenigsegg

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    Jun 24, 2014
    I thought the SBR4 was good...
  17. Wheelie

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    Feb 1, 2013
    Eventually, this is just going to devolve into finger-pointing, and those not arguing are going to try to make desperate amends with their holy lord and master. Gabester got upset. The threads got deleted. What's done is done- what more needs to be discussed?
  18. jplayer

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    Jan 31, 2015
    wowowowowowowow. Gabster my man, you need to get down off that ledge. you have to remember what really matters here.
    1 you did your best
    2 you are proud of what you did
    3 the people here sometimes are unable to grasp such a beautiful blank slate as the SRB4
    4 some people have the need to hate on things that they don't understand.
    5 I liked that car, and I like the principle. Just look at the most popular cars. when thy were designed, people thought they were hideous (now they cost a mil)
    6 even Einstein was told he was too stupid
    7 Got out there and make that damn car and show them what a great idea it is and who you are because you are the dev, no one else

    PS, to all those who feel the need to compensate and hate on others, check yo self before you wreck yo self and others. You may have the mask of a computer but that does not justify your actions. remember that at any point gabe could just stop making updates, bu we don't want that because he is a good man, so support you devs
  19. Kinect

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    Mar 26, 2014
    It was my fault, I'm really sorry about that. Please Gabester, don't copying real cars =( From now on, we prefer authenticity than appearance. I'm really sorry again, i was stupid. I still don't like the design but please bring it back.
    #BBSBR4(Bring back SBR4)
    #79 Kinect, Apr 18, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2015
  20. Bubbleawsome

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    Aug 5, 2012
    On one hand it is always the vocal minority causing issues. Look at the united states. :p

    But the main point is this; the people on this forum suck. On this forum are a bunch of self-entitled brats who think we have something to do with the game just because we threw ~$15 at the screen. You'll see it everywhere on this forum, like a plague. You guys make a new UI? It's slammed into the ground. You guys don't update so you can fix more bugs? Get slammed. You guys do update early? Idiots complaining for refunds. And while this is expected, and not horrible when aimed at a faceless company of 1000+ people, it gets destructive and toxic when it is contained in such a small community.

    Honestly this forum needs to learn how to sit down and shut up. Just because you paid some money for some game on the internet (A very nice game, but this could apply to any game) does not give you the right to constantly nag about it. Have some faith in the developers, or at least learn how to criticize. I don't particularly like the design of the Special. It is a beautifully modeled design, seems fairly accurate to the time, and has general support from the community, however, I don't like that kind of car in real life. I have no ways to make it better as it is just not my cup of tea. I stayed silent on it in the thread.

    It is simple etiquette, but who really expects that from a forum of self-involved internet 14 year-olds?
    It makes me sad to see such caring, personal devs forced into less contact and quieter roles because the hate they get on this forum.
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