Gumroad takes 10%, which isn't that bad. Kofi doesn't take any cut from shop sales. From what I've heard Patreon takes 30%. Integrating them officially would basically just prevent piracy/make it more difficult, give auto-updates to buyers, and overall just be a lot easier than the convoluted mess that is 3rd party websites. I'd also much rather give that cut to BeamNG than give it to crappy companies like gumroad, lol.
I'd be MUCH happier to see the money I'm spending go both to the creator and the game developer, rather than the creator and some third party that I'm unfortunately forced to give a cut of my payment to.
For the sake of BeamNG and their players I'd like to see better content checking in general for the repo. Too many people blame BeamNG for breaking their game every update. (This view is from a custom tool I've been building to scan for various mod issues. The "issues" part is really overstated sometimes and marks 'missing materials' for unused parts in DAE files, unused materials, etc. Generally issues reported by the tool are fine, but not great, while serious issues may cause game breakage down the road.) In this view for example, I've identified one mod that doesn't work due to a bad mounting point, and a skin pack that may break the hopper lightbars in a future update.
If you opt for their Gold subscription (which I did) then they don't take a cut. If you don't then I think it's something like 5%. They're also crowdfunded IIRC.
..... So you'd basically be making the modders use paid software to continue making free mods for agame? Then no one would want to pay!
I don't care what software the modders use, I'd just rather my money goes towards the development of the game that I'll be playing for years to come than a random on the internet who might make mods for a couple years and then disappear
They ain't gonna disappear if they have a monetary incentive. That's like saying "I'd rather give my money to Google than let my favorite YouTuber get paid"
i do agree with the paid mod section thingmagig but locking the mods themselves under a different format and relying solely on contacting the original author for the source files is a bit wack, anyone who ever tried to make a mod based on something else has encountered the "author was last seen 239 years ago" situation. Theres 2 ways to fix this: 1 is the most probable and least resource-intensive of just yeeting it and letting it work as a normal mod, only being able to be downloaded and extracted via the game itself only upon payment, or keying each individual mod with some weird unmodifiable self-checking key thats exclusive to the user who bought it that would be heeeeeeeeeeeeeaps complicated and resource intensive also edit here: locking models and mods will not prevent reuploading. someone somewhere _will_ find a way of decrypting that file and it might take longer but it'll find its way into -generic mods , its better and far more effective to just steer away as much people as you can from those places, trying to fight it is a lost cause edit n²: integrating paid mods into the repo itself would mean that the devs can add a banner on the forums and repo advising users against downloading mods from 3rd party sites, warning about the dangers and what not. could help clueless young naive users tempted with the forbidden fruit of a -insert generic supercar- meshslap made in about 3 minutes and errors so many they could explode your pcwith the sheer size of the beamng.log txt file.
I agree, mods take lots of time and effort and it is only fair to ask for something in return, especially if this way we can prevent piracy and ensure that payment is received only by people who work on the game and mods.
They will disappear someday. People won't be making mods for a living when they're middle age, and BeamNG, unlike Google, I actually want to support as they're an indie dev making non-corrupt product
Definitely would be more comfortable to use than having to mess with third-party stores. However, price regulations should not exist, this has to be entirely up to the market. Especially markets as niche as these, with low sales, need high prices to be profitable.
with high enough prices sales will plummit its way easier to justify paying 2 dollars than 50 or 200. 2 dollars converted to most currencies shouldnt (usually) be more than a cheap meal, now when you crank that up it only gets bigger. with 200 dollars you have a whole month's minimun wage in some countries ...brazil. even if it doesnt get this high, 50 usd for example is 1/4 a minimun wage for more or less 35-40% of my country's population. I'm pretty sure my fellow american friends wouldnt be very pleased having to spend close to a AAA game's worth on a single car for a single game that might or might not get content on the future either 2 bucks however, its just change they can find idk under the seat on the car, or a week's worth of bus ticket change, its way easier to justify, and thus, sells easier so to simplify, you end up making more money by sales amount rather than by individual sales
Jokes aside this thread has just once again really disappointed me. So people make content for the devs so only the devs make more money while the creator of the actual mod doesnt even get a cut? What stage of capitalism is this? It is very much not a new concept. There have been paid mods ever since the game started but they are just more in the public eye
I'd rather buy things from the devs and give the devs a 100% cut than give a guy online most of the money and a tiny portion go to the devs