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Need help with custom licence plate (No texture)

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by -Smaen-, Sep 13, 2016.

  1. -Smaen-

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    Jun 9, 2013
    I tried to make my own licence plate pack, following the tutorial on this site, but I can't make the texture work.

    I just get the "No texture" warning on the plate. I looked at other licence plate mods to see what I do wrong, but can't find anything obvious.

    I use custom font (and also tried to disable it).

    Can anyone see if I've made any mistakes?

    (Note that my textures are placeholders. My mod is far from done)


    Edit: The ".png.png" is fixed in my local files, but not the uploaded version here.

    Attached Files:

    #1 -Smaen-, Sep 13, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2016
  2. Taza

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    Nov 8, 2015
    In .json:
    "bump" : {
    "spriteImg" : "vehicles/common/licenseplates/no_prove/no_prove_map.png.png


    Sorry that I can't actually test it now, I'm on phone. There might be more to fix... :/
  3. -Smaen-

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    Jun 9, 2013
    That what you get for copying and pasting without checking properly...
    I feel like an idiot for not seeing that, but it still doesn't work. I looked for more errors like that, but didn't see anything.
    Thanks for your help. See any other mistakes I've done?

    To make it easier for people to help me.
          "name" : "no_prove",
            "version" : 1,
            "data" : {
                "size" : {"x" : 512, "y": 256},
                "text" : { "x" : 0.5, "y" : 0.65, "scale" : 1, "color" : "rgb(187, 61, 0)", "limit" : 8},
                "generator" : "vehicles/common/licenseplates/default/licenseplate-default.html",
                "characterLayout" : "vehicles/common/licenseplates/no_prove/no_prove.json",
                "diffuse" : {
                    "spriteImg" : "vehicles/common/licenseplates/no_prove/no_prove_font.png",
                    "backgroundImg" : "vehicles/common/licenseplates/no_prove/no_prove_background.png",
                    "fillStyle" : "white"
                "bump" : {
                    "spriteImg" : "vehicles/common/licenseplates/no_prove/no_prove_map.png",
                    "backgroundImg" : "vehicles/common/licenseplates/default/licenseplate-default_n.png",
                    "fillStyle" : "rgb(0,0,255)"
                "specular" : {
                    "spriteImg" : "vehicles/common/licenseplates/default/platefont_s.png",
                    "fillStyle" : "rgb(233,233,233)"
        "Norwegian Temporary Plate Proveskilt": {
            "name":"Norwegian Temporary Plate Proveskilt",
        "slotType" : "licenseplate_design_2_1",
        "licenseplate_path" : "vehicles/common/licenseplates/no_prove/no_prove.json"
    #3 -Smaen-, Sep 13, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2016
  4. -Smaen-

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    Jun 9, 2013
    I hate bumping threads, but I still haven't found a solution for my problem. I tried making everything from the start again, copied another mod and edited that, compared diffrent mods and STILL can't find what I'm doing wrong.
    I think the game hates me...
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