Unsolved need help placing steering wheel properly

Discussion in 'Mod Support' started by JBatic, Mar 13, 2018.

  1. JBatic

    Expand Collapse

    Jan 22, 2015
    I felt like modding today so I tried to get the steering wheel in place. right now it is ingame but it floats under the car so I was wondering what to adjust to get it in proper place.

    Attached Files:

  2. BombBoy4

    Expand Collapse

    May 16, 2015
    You forgot a parentheses in line 43, here's the fixed jBeam for ppt_body:
    "ppt": {
        "slotType" : "main",
        "slots": [
            ["type", "default", "description"]
            ["ppt_engine","ppt_engine", "Engine"],
            ["ppt_suspension_F","ppt_suspension_F", "Front Suspension"],
            ["ppt_suspension_R","ppt_suspension_R", "Rear Suspension"],       
           ["ref:", "back:", "left:", "up:", "leftCorner:", "rightCorner:"]
           ["f1r", "f2r", "f1l", "f4r", "bf1l", "bf1r"]
           "offset":{"x":0.65, "y":0.75, "z":0.30},
           ["type", "x", "y", "z", "fov", "id1:", "id2:", "id3:", "id4:", "id5:", "id6:"],
           //["fender", -1.25, 0.3, 0.9, 70, "f1r","f2r","f5r","f4r","f1l","f5l"],
           //hood cam
           ["hood", 0.0, -0.1, 1.05, 70, "f1r","f1l","f3r","f3l","f5r","f5l"],
           ["debug1", 0.0, -1.25, 2.5, 30, "f1r","f1l","f3r","f3l","f5r","f5l"],
        "props": [
        ["func",     "mesh",      "idRef:", "idX:", "idY:", "baseRotation",            "rotation",            "translation",         "min", "max", "offset", "multiplier"]
        //steering wheel
        ["steering", "steering_wheel", "f1l","f1r","f6l",        {"x":-78, "y":0, "z":180}, {"x":0, "y":0, "z":1}, {"x":0, "y":0, "z":0}, -1000, 1000, 0, 1, {"baseTranslation":{"x":-0.070,"y":0.605,"z":-0.56}}, {"breakGroup":"steeringWheelBreak"}],
           "waterDamage": {"[engineGroup]:":["hatch_engine_intake"]}
        "flexbodies": [
            ["mesh", "[group]:", "nonFlexMaterials"],
            ["body", ["body"]],
            ["id", "posX", "posY", "posZ"],
            ["f1r", -0.70791, -0.47629, 0.21999],
            ["f1l", 0.70791, -0.47629, 0.21999],
            ["f2r", -0.71653, -0.14000, 0.21999],
            ["f2l", 0.71653, -0.14000, 0.22017],
            ["f3r", -0.71653, 0.16941, 0.21999],
            ["f3l", 0.71653, 0.16941, 0.22017],
            ["f4r", -0.70791, -0.47629, 0.55999],
            ["f4l", 0.70791, -0.47629, 0.55999],
            ["f5r", -0.71653, -0.14000, 0.55999],
            ["f5l", 0.71653, -0.14000, 0.55999],
            ["f6r", -0.71653, 0.16941, 0.55999],
            ["f6l", 0.71653, 0.16941, 0.55999],
            ["bf1r", -0.63803, -1.32629, 0.25999],
            ["bf1l", 0.63803, -1.32629, 0.25999],
            ["bf2r", -0.63803, -1.32629, 0.55999],
            ["bf2l", 0.63803, -1.32629, 0.55999],
               ["br1r", -0.72416, 1.01940, 0.26017],
               ["br1l", 0.72416, 1.01940, 0.26017],
               ["br2r", -0.72416, 1.01940, 0.55999],
               ["br2l", 0.72416, 1.01940, 0.55999],
                ["b0", -0.61766, -1.59866, 0.25999],
                ["b1", 0.61766, -1.59866, 0.25999],
                ["b2", -0.61766, -1.59866, 0.55999],
                ["b3", 0.61766, -1.59866, 0.55999],
                 ["b4", -0.67259, 1.60848, 0.32016],
                ["b5", 0.67259, 1.60848, 0.32016],
                ["b6", -0.67259, 1.60848, 0.55999],
                ["b7", 0.67259, 1.60848, 0.55999],
                ["b8", -0.53272, 1.01998, 1.32173],
                ["b9", 0.53272, 1.01998, 1.32173],
                ["b10", -0.49478, 1.50560, 1.32173],
                ["b11", 0.49478, 1.50560, 1.32173],
                ["b12", -0.53272, 0.15874, 1.19676],
                ["b13", 0.53272, 0.15874, 1.19676]
                ["b16", -0.53272, -0.42350, 1.17695],
                ["b17", 0.53272, -0.42350, 1.17695],
                ["b18", -0.64020, -0.63295, 0.84026],
                ["b19", 0.64020, -0.63295, 0.84026],
                ["b20", -0.60979, -1.31328, 0.74040],
                ["b21", 0.60979, -1.31328, 0.74040],
                ["b22", -0.60979, -1.57553, 0.70050],
                ["b23", 0.60979, -1.57553, 0.70050],
                ["b24", -0.53272, -0.14664, 1.19676],
                ["b25", 0.53272, -0.14664, 1.19676],
            ["fx1r", -0.25000, -1.17629, 0.25999],
            ["fx1l", 0.25000, -1.17629, 0.25999],
            ["fx2r", -0.25000, -0.77629, 0.25999],
            ["fx2l", 0.25000, -0.77629, 0.25999],
            ["fx3r", -0.25000, -1.17629, 0.47999],
            ["fx3l", 0.25000, -1.17629, 0.47999],
            ["fx4r", -0.25000, -0.77629, 0.47999],
            ["fx4l", 0.25000, -0.77629, 0.47999],
            ["fs1r", -0.30000, -0.97629, 0.58999],
            ["fs1l", 0.30000, -0.97629, 0.58999],
            ["st1r", -0.15000, -0.80629, 0.25999],
            ["st1l", 0.15000, -0.80629, 0.25999],
            ["rx1r", -0.25000, 0.86940, 0.26017],
            ["rx1l", 0.25000, 0.86940, 0.26017],
            ["rx2r", -0.25000, 0.46941, 0.26017],
            ["rx2l", 0.25000, 0.46941, 0.26017],
            ["rx3r", -0.25000, 0.86940, 0.47999],
            ["rx3l", 0.25000, 0.86940, 0.47999],
            ["rx4r", -0.25000, 0.46941, 0.47999],
            ["rx4l", 0.25000, 0.46941, 0.47999],
            ["rs1r", -0.30000, 0.66941, 0.58999],
            ["rs1l", 0.30000, 0.66941, 0.58999],
            ["ta1", 0.00000, -0.97629, 0.32999{"nodeWeight":200}],
            ["tc1", 0.00000, 0.66941, 0.32999{"nodeWeight":200}],
        "beams": [
            ["id1:", "id2:"],
            {"beamPrecompression":1, "beamType":"|NORMAL", "beamLongBound":1.0, "beamShortBound":1.0},
            //frame lengthwise
            ["f1l", "f2l"],
            ["f1r", "f2r"],
            ["f2l", "f3l"],
            ["f2r", "f3r"],
            ["f4l", "f5l"],
            ["f4r", "f5r"],
            ["f5l", "f6l"],
            ["f5r", "f6r"],
                        ["b3", "bf2l"],
                ["b1", "bf1l"],
                ["b3", "bf1l"],
                ["b1", "bf2l"],
                ["bf2r", "b2"],
                ["b2", "bf1r"],
                ["bf1r", "b0"],
                ["b0", "bf2r"],
                ["b3", "bf2r"],
                ["bf2l", "b2"],
                ["b1", "bf1r"],
                ["b0", "bf1l"],
                            ["b6", "br2r"],
                ["br2r", "b4"],
                ["b4", "br1r"],
                ["b5", "br1l"],
                ["br1l", "b7"],
                ["b7", "br2l"],
                ["b6", "br2l"],
                ["b7", "br2r"],
                ["rx1l", "br2l"],
                ["b5", "br2l"],
                ["b6", "b4"],
                ["br1l", "b4"],
                ["br2r", "br1r"],
                ["br1r", "b5"],
                ["b6", "b10"],
                ["br2r", "b8"],
                ["b8", "b6"],
                ["b10", "br2r"],
                ["b9", "br2l"],
                ["b11", "b7"],
                ["b11", "br2l"],
                ["b9", "b7"],
                ["b11", "b6"],
                ["b10", "b7"],
                ["b8", "br2l"],
                ["b9", "br2r"],            ["b8", "b12"],
                ["f6r", "b12"],
                ["br2r", "b12"],
                ["b8", "f6r"],
                ["b13", "f6l"],
                ["b13", "b9"],
                ["b13", "br2l"],
                ["b9", "f6l"],
      ["b10", "b8"],
                ["b11", "b9"],
                ["b13", "b12"],
                           ["b6", "br1r"],
                ["b7", "b5"],
                ["b7", "b6"],
                ["b5", "b4"],
                ["b7", "b4"],
                ["b6", "b5"],
                ["b12", "b24"],
                ["b24", "f5r"],
                ["b24", "f6r"],
                ["b12", "f5r"],
                ["b25", "b13"],
                ["b25", "f5l"],
                ["b25", "f6l"],
                ["b13", "f5l"],
                ["b25", "b12"],
                ["b24", "b13"],
                ["b25", "b17"],
                ["b17", "f4l"],
                ["b17", "b19"],
                ["b19", "f4l"],
                ["b19", "bf2l"],
                ["b19", "b21"],
                ["b21", "bf2l"],
                ["b21", "f4l"],
                ["b19", "b25"],
                ["b17", "f5l"],
                ["b25", "f4l"],
                ["b24", "f2l"],
                ["b25", "f5r"],
                ["b17", "b16"],
                ["b16", "b24"],
                ["b16", "f4r"],
                ["b16", "f5r"],
                ["b24", "f4r"],
                ["b16", "b18"],
                ["b18", "f4r"],
                ["b19", "b18"],
                ["b17", "b18"],
                ["b16", "b19"],
                ["b18", "b24"],
                ["b18", "f5r"],
                ["b19", "f5l"],
                ["b18", "b20"],
                ["b21", "b20"],
                ["b20", "bf2r"],
                ["b19", "f4r"],
                ["b18", "f4l"],
                ["b20", "f4r"],
                ["b18", "bf2r"],
                ["b21", "b23"],
                ["b18", "b21"],
                ["b19", "b20"],
                ["b20", "b21"],
                ["b20", "b22"],
                ["b22", "b23"],
                ["b20", "b23"],
                ["b22", "b21"],
                ["b20", "bf2l"],
                ["b21", "bf2r"],
                ["b22", "b2"],
                ["b22", "bf2r"],
                ["b20", "b2"],
                ["b23", "bf2l"],
                ["b21", "b3"],
                ["b23", "b3"],
                ["b2", "b3"],
                ["b22", "b3"],
                ["b23", "b2"],
                ["b3", "b1"],
                ["b2", "b0"],
                ["b2", "b1"],
                ["b3", "b0"],
                ["b8", "b13"],
                ["b9", "b12"],
            //frame widthwise
            ["f4l", "f4r"],
            ["f1l", "f1r"],
            ["f5l", "f5r"],
            ["f2l", "f2r"],
            ["f3l", "f3r"],
            ["f6l", "f6r"],
            //frame vertical
            ["f4l", "f1l"],
            ["f4r", "f1r"],
            ["f5l", "f2l"],
            ["f5r", "f2r"],
            ["f6l", "f3l"],
            ["f6r", "f3r"],
            //frame xy cross
            ["f1l", "f2r"],
            ["f2l", "f1r"],
            ["f2l", "f3r"],
            ["f3l", "f2r"],
            ["f4l", "f5r"],
            ["f5l", "f4r"],
            ["f5l", "f6r"],
            ["f6l", "f5r"],
            //frame xz cross
            ["f4l", "f1r"],
            ["f1l", "f4r"],
            ["f5l", "f2r"],
            ["f2l", "f5r"],
            ["f6l", "f3r"],
            ["f3l", "f6r"],
            //frame yz cross
            ["f4l", "f2l"],
            ["f1l", "f5l"],
            ["f4r", "f2r"],
            ["f1r", "f5r"],
            ["f5l", "f3l"],
            ["f2l", "f6l"],
            ["f5r", "f3r"],
            ["f2r", "f6r"],
            //front subframe
            ["fx3l", "fx1l"],
            ["fx4l", "fx2l"],
            ["fx3r", "fx1r"],
            ["fx4r", "fx2r"],
            ["fx1l", "fx2l"],
            ["fx3l", "fx4l"],
            ["fx1r", "fx2r"],
            ["fx3r", "fx4r"],
            ["fx1l", "fx1r"],
            ["fx3l", "fx3r"],
            ["fx2l", "fx2r"],
            ["fx4l", "fx4r"],
            ["fx1l", "fx4l"],
            ["fx3l", "fx2l"],
            ["fx1r", "fx4r"],           
            ["fx3r", "fx2r"],
            ["fx1l", "fx3r"],
            ["fx3l", "fx1r"],
            ["fx4l", "fx2r"],
            ["fx2l", "fx4r"],
            ["fx1l", "fx2r"],
            ["fx2l", "fx1r"],           
            ["fx3l", "fx4r"],
            ["fx4l", "fx3r"],
            //rear subframe
            ["rx3l", "rx1l"],
            ["rx4l", "rx2l"],
            ["rx3r", "rx1r"],
            ["rx4r", "rx2r"],
            ["rx1l", "rx2l"],
            ["rx3l", "rx4l"],
            ["rx1r", "rx2r"],
            ["rx3r", "rx4r"],
            ["rx1l", "rx1r"],
            ["rx3l", "rx3r"],
            ["rx2l", "rx2r"],
            ["rx4l", "rx4r"],
            ["rx1l", "rx4l"],
            ["rx3l", "rx2l"],
            ["rx1r", "rx4r"],           
            ["rx3r", "rx2r"],
            ["rx1l", "rx3r"],
            ["rx3l", "rx1r"],
            ["rx4l", "rx2r"],
            ["rx2l", "rx4r"],
            ["rx1l", "rx2r"],
            ["rx2l", "rx1r"],           
            ["rx3l", "rx4r"],
            ["rx4l", "rx3r"],
            //front shock tower
            ["fx3l", "fs1l"],
            ["fx4l", "fs1l"],
            ["fx3r", "fs1r"],
            ["fx4r", "fs1r"],
            ["fs1l", "fx1l"],
            ["fs1l", "fx2l"],
            ["fs1r", "fx1r"],
            ["fs1r", "fx2r"],
            ["fs1l", "fx3r"],
            ["fs1l", "fx4r"],
            ["fs1r", "fx3l"],
            ["fx4l", "fs1r"],
            ["fs1r", "fs1l"],
            //rear shock tower
            ["rx3l", "rs1l"],
            ["rx4l", "rs1l"],
            ["rx3r", "rs1r"],
            ["rx4r", "rs1r"],
            ["rs1l", "rx1l"],
            ["rs1l", "rx2l"],
            ["rs1r", "rx1r"],
            ["rs1r", "rx2r"],
            ["rs1l", "rx3r"],
            ["rs1l", "rx4r"],
            ["rs1r", "rx3l"],
            ["rx4l", "rs1r"],
            ["rs1r", "rs1l"],
            //frame to front subframe
            ["f1l", "fx2l"],
            ["f1r", "fx2r"],
            ["f4l", "fx4l"],
            ["f4r", "fx4r"],
            ["f1l", "fx4l"],
            ["f4l", "fx2l"],
            ["f1r", "fx4r"],
            ["f4r", "fx2r"],
            ["fx2l", "f1r"],
            ["f1l", "fx2r"],
            ["fx4l", "f4r"],
            ["fx4r", "f4l"],
            //frame to rear subframe
            ["f3l", "rx2l"],
            ["f3r", "rx2r"],
            ["f6l", "rx4l"],
            ["f6r", "rx4r"],
            ["f3l", "rx4l"],
            ["f6l", "rx2l"],
            ["f3r", "rx4r"],
            ["f6r", "rx2r"],
            ["f3l", "rx2r"],
            ["rx2l", "f3r"],
            ["f6l", "rx4r"],
            ["rx4l", "f6r"],
            //steering rack
            ["st1l", "st1r"],
            ["fx1l", "st1l"],
            ["fx2l", "st1l"],
            ["fx1r", "st1r"],
            ["fx2r", "st1r"],
            ["st1l", "fx2r"],
            ["st1r", "fx2l"],
            ["fx1l", "st1r"],
            ["fx1r", "st1l"],
            ["fx4l", "st1l"],
            ["fx4r", "st1r"],
            ["fx4r", "st1l"],
            ["fx4l", "st1r"],
            ["fx1l", "ta1"],
            ["fx2l", "ta1"],
            ["fx1r", "ta1"],
            ["fx2r", "ta1"],
            ["fx3l", "ta1"],
            ["fx4l", "ta1"],
            ["fx3r", "ta1"],
            ["fx4r", "ta1"],
            ["rx1l", "tc1"],
            ["rx2l", "tc1"],
            ["rx1r", "tc1"],
            ["rx2r", "tc1"],
            ["rx3l", "tc1"],
            ["rx4l", "tc1"],
            ["rx3r", "tc1"],
            ["rx4r", "tc1"],
            //body_F to frame
            ["f1l", "bf1l"],
            ["f1r", "bf1r"],
            ["f4l", "bf2l"],
            ["f4r", "bf2r"],
            ["bf1l", "bf1r"],
            ["bf2l", "bf2r"],
            ["bf1l", "bf2l"],
            ["bf1r", "bf2r"],
            ["bf1l", "f4l"],
            ["bf2l", "f1l"],
            ["bf2r", "f1r"],
            ["bf1r", "f4r"],
            ["bf2l", "bf1r"],
            ["bf2r", "bf1l"],
            //body_F to subframe
            ["bf1l", "fx1l"],
            ["bf1r", "fx1r"],
            ["bf1l", "fx1r"],
            ["bf1r", "fx1l"],
            ["bf2l", "fx3l"],
            ["bf2r", "fx3r"],
            ["bf2l", "fx3r"],
            ["bf2r", "fx3l"],
            ["bf1l", "fx3l"],
            ["bf2l", "fx1l"],
            ["bf2r", "fx1r"],
            ["bf1r", "fx3r"],
            ["fx1l", "f1l"],
            ["bf1l", "fx2l"],
            ["bf1r", "fx2r"],
            ["fx1r", "f1r"],
            ["fx3r", "f4r"],
            ["bf2r", "fx4r"],
            ["fx3l", "f4l"],
            ["bf2l", "fx4l"],
            //body_R to frame
            ["f3l", "br1l"],
            ["f3r", "br1r"],
            ["f6l", "br2l"],
            ["f6r", "br2r"],
            ["br2l", "br2r"],
            ["br1l", "br1r"],
            ["br2l", "br1l"],
            ["br2r", "br1r"],
            ["br2l", "br1r"],           
            ["br1l", "br2r"],           
            ["f3l", "br2l"],
            ["f6l", "br1l"],
            ["f3r", "br2r"],
            ["f6r", "br1r"],
            //body_R to subframe
            ["br1l", "rx1l"],
            ["br1r", "rx1r"],
            ["br2l", "rx3l"],
            ["br2r", "rx3r"],
            ["br1l", "rx1r"],
            ["rx1l", "br1r"],
            ["br2l", "rx3r"],
            ["rx3l", "br2r"],
            ["rx1l", "br2l"],
            ["rx3l", "br1l"],
            ["rx3r", "br1r"],
            ["rx1r", "br2r"],
            ["f3l", "rx1l"],
            ["rx2l", "br1l"],
            ["rx2r", "br1r"],
            ["f3r", "rx1r"],
            ["f6l", "rx3l"],
            ["rx4l", "br2l"],
            ["rx4r", "br2r"],
            ["f6r", "rx3r"],
            {"beamPrecompression":1, "beamType":"|NORMAL", "beamLongBound":1.0, "beamShortBound":1.0},
    Sorry I can't upload it, internet is too slow xD
  3. JBatic

    Expand Collapse

    Jan 22, 2015
    edit just did some testing and troubleshooting but now the steering wheel does not show up
    #3 JBatic, Mar 13, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2018
  4. WinnebagoMan

    Expand Collapse

    Oct 6, 2015
    Does the wheel turn around the center of itself like it's supposed to, or does it rotate around the center of where the wheel is supposed to be? If it's the latter you need to make sure the origin is set to the center of the wheel model in Blender. Also appears your 'min' and 'max' rotation values are kind of high. Maybe try setting them at 360 and -360 for a full circle and see if it helps.
    #4 WinnebagoMan, Mar 16, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2018
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Driv3r1142

    Expand Collapse

    Feb 15, 2015
    Props in BeamNG are very sensitive; You need a balance between what you have in Blender, and the JBeam. And to make it worse, you simply can't copy the values over from another official vehicle in most cases, because the nodes you're using to create the reference triangle for the prop are positioned differently, enough so to make it so that the prop doesn't work properly.

    All I can say is you need to keep adjusting things once you make sure the model is centered in Blender. Eventually you will start making progress.

    As for the wheel not showing up, check the console for any errors. Also, check to see if the wheel isn't off in some far away place on the map... yes this does happen; It happened to me on my Gavril Vendetta mod, and the Stryder Propeller mod project. Very, very annoying to see.

  6. JBatic

    Expand Collapse

    Jan 22, 2015
    I will check those
    there are no errors in console so it might be somewhere else
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