Naval Warfare

Discussion in 'Videos, Screenshots and other Artwork' started by HighBeam9000, Sep 9, 2022.

  1. HighBeam9000

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    Aug 2, 2021
    Preliminary ME262 STOL results look very good. An ME262 was successively launched from a carrier 5 barges long. Landings are harder. We're working on those.

    An ME262 STOL conversion will probably be available by the end of the weekend.
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  2. HighBeam9000

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    Aug 2, 2021
    ME262 STOL carrier landings are now a thing.

    Oh yeah, and FIRST! :cool:
    --- Post updated ---
    ...and here's the launch, and some slow flight, like for search-and-rescue...

    Attached Files:

  3. Mikah 01

    Mikah 01
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    Jul 25, 2022

    Tips for landing a normal me262 on flat barge : place a couple spike strip so the plane will slow down because of flatened tires
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  4. HighBeam9000

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    Aug 2, 2021
    Now polishing a shiny, new ME262 STOL Conversion Kit mod...

    It will be posted in the Repository within the next day or two, after final testing.

    #64 HighBeam9000, Sep 18, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2022
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  5. HighBeam9000

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    Aug 2, 2021
    When launching from a moving carrier, don't launch from the rearmost center barge if it's deck is tilted too far back because the plane will tilt backwards too. In this case, launch from the next center barge forward instead. This is OK because the takeoff distance is reduced due to the headwind provided by the carrier's movement.

    ...and FIRST! :cool:
    --- Post updated ---
    The ME262 STOL Conversion Kit mod has been submitted, and will be available after approval. :)

    Attached Files:

    #65 HighBeam9000, Sep 18, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2022
  6. HighBeam9000

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    Aug 2, 2021
    In the BeamNG Guide to Naval Warfare Vol. 1, the instructions for modifying the Phoulkon CIWS for mobile use were incomplete. The complete instructions are:

    (1) The Phoulkon CIWS is packaged in the file "". Unpack the ZIP file contents into its own folder.
    (2) Within the unpacked folder, find the subfolder that contains all of the files with the JBEAM extension. This folder is likely named "turretsystem".
    (3) Within this subfolder, create a file named "turret_main.jbeam", and populate it with the following contents:

    "turretplatformmain": {
    "authors":"Stoat Muldoon, Diamondback",

    "slotType" : "main",
    "slots": [
    ["type", "default", "description"],
    ["turret_base_type", "turretplatform", "Weapon Platform"{"coreSlot":true}],
    ["turret_mod", "", "Turret Mod"],

    (4) Save and close the file "turret_main.jbeam".
    (5) Open the file "turret_base.jbeam" and edit the beginning of the file as follows:

    "turretplatform": {
    "authors":"Stoat Muldoon, Diamondback",
    "name":"Fixed Platform",

    "slotType" : "turret_base_type",

    (6) Save and close the file "turret_base.jbeam".
    (7) Make a copy of the file "turret_base.jbeam", and name the copy "turret_base_mobile.jbeam".
    (8) Open the file "turret_base_mobile.jbeam" and edit the beginning of the file as follows:

    "turretplatformmobile": {
    "authors":"Stoat Muldoon, Diamondback",
    "name":"Mobile Platform",

    "slotType" : "turret_base_type",

    (9) Change every occurrence of "fixed":true to "fixed":false
    (10) Save and close the file "turret_base_mobile.jbeam".
    (11) Repack the ZIP file "" and put the newly packed ZIP file in your mods folder where you originally found it.
  7. HighBeam9000

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    Aug 2, 2021
    The ME262 STOL Conversion Kit has just been released. Enjoy!

    Actually I just checked, and it doesn't seem to be visible to the public. I'll work with the admins to sort it out...
    #67 HighBeam9000, Sep 19, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2022
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  8. HighBeam9000

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    Aug 2, 2021
    While the official released mod is being squared away, I'm posting the ME262 STOL Conversion Kit here. NOTE: The STOL kit posted here will NOT be updated as time goes on. Only the official released mod will be updated (once it posts).

    UPDATE: The ME262 STOL Conversion Kit has now (for real) been released. It is publicly visible. I'm not sure what happened before. Some bits got jammed somewhere, but the admins did a great job unclogging whatever pipe the mod was stuck in. Thank you, everybody!
    #68 HighBeam9000, Sep 19, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2022
  9. SmokeyDokey

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    Aug 27, 2022
    As the official unofficial tester of this, I can say that it's amazing. If you like the Harrier Jump jet, you'll love this.
  10. HighBeam9000

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    Aug 2, 2021
    Actually, you're officially an official tester, with a "Special Thanks" section in the mod description. :) You'll be able to see it when the mod officially posts.
  11. HighBeam9000

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    Aug 2, 2021
    The Aircraft Carrier Auto-Generation video attached shows a carrier spawn lua extension assembling a basic STOL carrier from multiple instances of the Flat Top Barge. This video is in REAL TIME. Yes, a 3x5 barge carrier was automatically assembled in about 40 seconds!

    Attached Files:

  12. HighBeam9000

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    Aug 2, 2021
    Attached to this message are some ZIP files. These files contain some goodies to help with getting your navy going.

    The file contains 2 files:
    • flat_top_barge.jbeam
      • This file has been modified to add lateral couplers to be able to connect barges side-to-side. The barges already have the ability to connect end-to-end.
    • propulsion.jbeam
      • This file has been modified to add more power to the built-in thrusters that come with the barge, and a slider in the Tuning menu to adjust the power.
    Use the above files to replace the files of the same names in the ZIP file

    The file contains 3 files:
    • turret_main.jbeam
      • This file is the new main slot jbeam in order to separate the base from it.
    • turret_base.jbeam
      • This is the normal, fixed base that used to be the main slot jbeam.
    • turret_base_mobile.jbeam
      • This is the new, mobile base that makes naval usage possible.
    Use the above files to add to or replace the files of the same names in the ZIP file

    The file contains a lua script that can auto-generate an aircraft carrier from flat top barges. Put the ZIP file in your mods folder.

    To spawn a carrier, bring up the debug window with the tilde '~' key, and enter scripts_HighBeam9000__SpawnCarrier_extension.spawnCarrier(acType) where acType is one of the following numbers:
    • 1 will generate a micro carrier for the Hyper Bolide STOL (The STOLide).
    • 2 will generate a mini carrier for the STOLide.
    • 3 will generate a plain, 3x5-barge carrier for the ME262 STOL.
    • 4 will generate a 3x5 carrier with side tabs for aircraft parking. (Actually 5x5)
    • 5 will generate a prototype STOL Supercarrier with dual runways.
    • 6 will generate a Leviathan Class Supercarrier.
    • 7 will generate a Gemini Class Supercarrier.
    For example, to generate an offset-airstrip 3x5 carrier with parking tabs, type the following into the debug window (Be sure GE Lua is selected in the box to the left of the code entry line.):

    The video AircraftCarrier_AutoGeneration.mp4 demonstrates the generation of a plain 3x5 carrier. This script also modifies the render distance of the barges so that the carrier can be seen from further away.

    The ZIP files attached to this thread in post #72 and the Google drive link in post #57 encompass ALL of the modifications described in The BeamNG Guide to Naval Warfare, Vol. 1, and some of the mods that will be featured in Vol 2. After the ZIP files are handled as described above, here's how you use them:

    Barges are spawned just like normal, except now they can connect side-to-side. Connect them just like you would connect a trailer to a tow car: Shift-L to connect, and Alt-L to disconnect.

    The mobile CIWS is spawned just like the normal version, except you edit the parts to select the "Mobile Platform". Now it can be placed on a ship.

    To spawn a carrier, first spawn a barge. This barge will become the front-right barge of the carrier when complete. This barge's position and orientation help define the position and orientation of the rest of the carrier. Once your starter barge is positioned, invoke the carrier spawn script as described above. The carrier is helmed from the center barge on the back row.

    Practice, practice, practice your carrier landings with your STOL262.

    UPDATE 1: Superseded by UPDATE 3, below.

    UPDATE 2: I had difficulty spawning barge carriers in multiplayer. The carrier would start to assemble, but would stall out after a few barges. I was attempting to build the 7-barge mini carrier for the STOLide. My guess is that, because there are other machines involved in the game, some delay is necessary in the spawn/connect cycles to allow all of the machines to sync up during the spawn event.

    Also, although I've never had problems spawning carriers in single-player mode, somebody who was helping me test did have problems. The first step to fix this is to determine if the files I posted are good or not. Has anybody else been able to successfully spawn barge carriers? Am I the only one? If anybody else has had problems, I'd really like to fix the script and/or instructions so that it works for everybody. It's nice to not have to manually assemble carriers. Please report any problems that you have to this thread, including as much detail as you can.

    UPDATE 3: Actual landing and navigation lights are now available in the file Go to the Vehicle Config menu, select the Parts tab, and in the Deck Mounts slot, select Barge Landing Lights. Bind a control to turn the landing lights on/off, and a control to turn the navigation lights on/off. The light brightness, light range, and flare size are adjustable.

    One of the landing light types is a runway center light that marches down the runway. The pulse timing and spacing are adjustable. In the Parts menu, different light strip lengths are available depending on how long your carrier's runway is. The center lights turn on with the other landing lights. A demo video is HERE.

    NOTE: The landing lights aren't visible unless your Lighting Quality setting is "Low" or higher. The lights are not visible on the "Lowest" setting. All of the other graphics settings can be set to "Lowest"; just not Lighting Quality.

    UPDATE 4: Now we have real runway skins!

    Attached Files:

    #72 HighBeam9000, Sep 22, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2023
  13. SmokeyDokey

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    Aug 27, 2022
    I'm going to try the STOL262 with the STOLide carriers too, to truly master the thing
    I'm also going to see if I can make a Harrier Jump Jet type thing, then it'll just be VTOL, making it an attack helicopter - fighter jet pretty much
    Also, thanks again for all of this!
    --- Post updated ---
    Ocean, Small, Pure | BeamNG
    Now we have a place for the Naval Battles!
  14. HighBeam9000

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    Aug 2, 2021
    No problem.

    Landing VTOL is hard with a single hover jet, but you'll pickup extra cool points if you can. :cool:

    While the infinite ocean would be the optimal place for pure, head-on, no-holds-barred naval battles (slugfest), the presence of land enables additional tactics in a naval commander's toolbox. It kinda depends on what kind of battle you want, and how fast & brutal the battle will be.

    The carrier spawn script was updated last night:
    • Added carrier type '5': The Prototype STOL Supercarrier (has 2 long runways). Spawn it to see how big it is! :)
    • Increased visibility distance of barges, so you can see carriers from further away. It's hard getting lined up with a carrier that you know is there, but can't see yet until it pops-in.
    I'm planning on some more updates this weekend:
    • Landing lights for night landings! That ought to be utterly terrifying!
    • More updates as I think of them.
    I'm also thinking about another mod that's not necessarily naval-specific. It'll be an invisible, flat disk that emits fire and explosion plumes on-command. It should be useful for filming if we want to "set ships on fire" without actually setting them on fire or hitting them with a missile or other damaging activities. We can place a couple on the deck of a ship, bolt them down with the node grabber, and activate with a button. Since it's fake fire (not due to burning materials), it's just special effects that won't cause damage or ignite other fires.

    Something else I'm wondering is how large of waves can these carriers handle? This might be a good survival tip for The BeamNG Guide to Naval Warfare Vol 2: "Don't go out if the seas are too rough." We can emphasize the point by showing a carrier breaking up and sinking due to big waves.
    #74 HighBeam9000, Sep 23, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2022
  15. SmokeyDokey

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    Aug 27, 2022
    I forgot that carrier landing lights existed... until you add them, I'll see if I can use lightbar pigeons on the sides of carrier as landing lights.
    I love the explosion plumes idea, it's perfect for making little cinematic movies in Beam!
    The wave idea is great, but can the barges sink? If they can't, could you make the sink?
    Also, do you reckon the STOL thrusters for the 262 have enough power to make it VTOL? and could I balance it out using the settings that you put in? It would be insane to have to first VTOL landing in beam. :D
  16. HighBeam9000

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    Aug 2, 2021
    Oh yeah, barges can sink if they're breached. Hit one with a missile if you want to check it out. Also, if you drive the barge really fast, so fast that it catches the headwind and flies into the air... when it lands back on the water, it could be rough enough to rupture the hull.

    The STOL hover jet power settings can be changed by messing with the Hover Force slider in the Tuning menu. If the current maximum force is insufficient, I can bump it up, and it's not a big deal to start another round of testing and pass the mod through the Google drive until we're ready for a re-release.

    It's possible to land VTOL with the single-jet hover configuration that we have now if the landing is done quickly because the plane is literally balancing on the hover jet lift column. With no air over the wings, there's no control over that balance. If the balance is imperfect, the plane will tilt and the lift column will start to angle to the side, causing lateral movement. You have to get that plane down before the tilt becomes too great. A proper VTOL setup will have multiple hover jets that can dynamically change angle and force, but the hard part would be the control system that runs it.

    Hmmm... VTOL should be a goal of ours...
  17. SmokeyDokey

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    Aug 27, 2022
    I like the sound of this...
    Insufficient power settings haven't stopped me in the past... (Using a 2012 Macbook with windows tossed on for Beam before this PC)...
    I'll make it work, I'll land at the Utah visitor centre. :D

    But it would be much better if you bumped up the maximum force :)
  18. HighBeam9000

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    Aug 2, 2021
    Cool. I'll probably double the maximum force for now. I don't want to bump it up too much or it will make the step size too big when sliding the adjustment slider. Eventually, I'd like to find the force at which the thrusters rip the wing box out of the fuselage, and somehow set that as the maximum (because going even higher won't do much more), and still have a reasonable step size.

    I'll update the mod and put a fresh copy on the Google drive. Once we're happy with the settings, I'll re-release officially.

    Don't forget to film the VTOL stuff! :D
  19. SmokeyDokey

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    Aug 27, 2022
    I won't forget to film it (and it'll look great since I use ultra settings 100% of the time now!)
  20. HighBeam9000

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    Aug 2, 2021
    OK. I just tried to land an STOL262 on a flatbed semi trailer, and it didn't work well at all. The spacing between the main gear wheels is barely able to fit on the flatbed. I doubt I can do it.

    So, to make it easy, I selected the simple, pure grid map (totally empty) to avoid any obstacles, and I used the Cruise Control UI app to keep the flatbed semi rolling at 80 mph. There is no room for error, not "very little room for error". Nah, it's NO room for error. :eek:

    I can't hang with this one. I need an ace... Do you think you can pull off a flatbed semi landing?

    To make it easier, maybe we can find a wideboy semi trailer, like the kind used to transport some slightly larger construction vehicles. Maybe that's wide enough to drop an STOL262 on it.
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