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Just Another Rant Thread.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by clayton8or, Oct 3, 2016.

  1. clayton8or

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    Aug 26, 2013
    As most may realize, change is inevitable. It cannot be stopped, but it can however be altered.
    Change as relating to Beam has been in my any many others opinions, not very good.
    The base game has very much improved over the years and i am grateful it is successful yet not AAA, but the mods. Those used to be the pinnacle of beam, now they are... meh... I dont want to say they ruin beam because that would be a lie, but alot of the stuff being made today is honestly quite boring and repetitive. Skins, engine power multipliers, more skins, configurations, more configurations, ELECTRIC CVT EVERYTHING, etc.
    Correct me if im wrong but the last really high quality (car) mod i saw uploaded was the 1927 Aruga Heron or whatever by Miura. And i dont like really old cars! I could just tell.
    Remember the days where stuff like the "Artificial race pack" came out? Evo IX, 22b STi, Pikes peak, Polo Rally spec, all this amazing content! And over time none of it has been updates. The Evo was being updated but seems to have been dropped after being nearly finished, and the others are just in the dust. (i know everyone has their own preference but alot of people seemed to like that pack so im using it and i know i certainly miss it.)
    There has been stuff like Slayersen's Derby truck and race car but those are "old" mods as they have been started in the "old" days of 2014/15. Again if i missed something big tell me. (EDIT- ETK 6000 FORGOT THAT SORRY)
    And now we cant upload mods that use meshes from other games with permission or that even have a real brand in them.

    Mods are not the only issue.
    Im not going to smack on individual users cause im lazy and everyone gets a second chance.
    Just not 635 chances.
    In late 2015 to now i have seen a large uprising of members who either dont know the rules, or simply ignore them. Some that technically follow the rules but post shit like "cool mod bro" on EVERY SINGLE MOD! it gets useless and annoying after awhile and the moderation has helped but is not quite sufficient. I do not want a big moderation team that destroys every post but atleast something.

    Maybe its me acting like an old man not wanting change, but there comes a point where there has to be a really effective line drawn.

    I check back every once in a while to see whats happening, but like many other old great members...

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  2. amarks240

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    All the threads I'm seeing like this are wack. We know your important but it's not always necessary to announce your reduced forum activity and give a laundry list of reasons you are doing so. By all means do you tho I'm just putting my opinion out there.
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  3. TheDesigner

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    Aug 10, 2013
    There are many good quality mods in the depository right now; four wheeled pigeon, panoramic sunroof for the etk, and a Bruckell Caldera (really nice btw). The constant skins and configs is pretty repetitive, but I have to give those creators credit for going out of their way to create these small mods. I'm way too lazy and busy to do that crap.
  4. VeyronEB

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    Aug 5, 2012
    You also forgot the Oldsmobile Delta 88 that was released less than a week ago, but yeah full mods are pretty thin on the ground and most people are happy with dumb plastic trim and sunroofs for the stock cars.

    Main issue is, BeamNG just is an absolute bitch to make full content for and a lot of people just don't care to learn how, its dull and annoying to sit in front of notepad for 300 hours working on jbeam, the outcome is great but its basically a day job at the point where you're making a full mod and I'm not alone in saying I really don't have time for that.
    The only real reason that mods used to be coming out faster was that the game was new and interesting so that drew the most people to it, most of the people who did mods back in the early days have moved on in real life with work and family and don't have the time for it anymore. All of the badly done copyright rules on the mods section also really doesn't help modders and it just makes it a pain for anyone who isn't making a "Geveril Distroyer" or whatever.

    Also, there are a bunch of new members are annoying, but no one seems to care, so all you can do is try and pretend they aren't there.
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  5. Car8john

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    May 12, 2016
    Most mods these days sure aren't like the old ones, the timeless classics like the Cadillac (I think we all know 'the Cadillac') and the Prelude mod (one of my all time favs, still not really beat yet by any other mod just cause how the Jbeam, although complex and more detailed than most stock ones, lagged my computer less than most stock cars) just are some examples of long lasting quality, other greats, like the AR162B vehical packs where dropping like flies until he decided to update them a bit, and, don't get me wrong, the Olds mod and ETK 6000 are great mods, but we don't see as many of them as we used to see, and that's not just present on the forums, look on YouTube, majority of the time, they use older mods with higher quality because they know those are the mods that look better, deform better, and overall preform better in most every aspect.

    To add to the topic of new users, they should have something like a sort of 'Training Forum' or a tutorial for them, cause, it seems like there are more of them than ever and they just aren't learning, I know a member who has been on the forums nearly as long as me, yet he still doesn't know how to post content that helps others on the community (he shitposts even more than, the king of shitposting, me, somehow) because they simply do not want to learn how to navigate the forums, contribute to the community, or learn to post helpful content, why does this happen? Because, they just receive hate and warning points when they suggest a vehical that's licensed, make a thread to help them with a problem that already has a thread, or other stuff like that, the community just isn't like I was a while ago, and I think that's something that needs to change...
  6. Aboroath

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    Aug 25, 2013
    No fatalism here. The old days, the frontier days, are not coming back. They have their place in history as the foundation that guys like Bernd
    and Sergent Fido and Djlopper and Ninetynine and many others are building on. I choose to look forward to the day this game becomes a massive
    public hit and I will be quietly sitting back, proud of my old guard heritage.

    Things change, that is life. How we deal with this is up to us. Being depressed and ugly while looking back at the 'good ole' days only serves
    to weaken the whole foundation in the eyes of new members and the public at large. Be proud you had the privilege to be part of this game in it's
    infancy and carry that pride forward, respect will follow. Becoming inactive or going off to pout in a corner isn't going to do anything but make ourselves look spoiled and selfish.

    It's okay, change is tough. I have had my spells too. I got over that because I can't stay away from this and the energy I found myself expending
    trying to play head games explaining silly emotions about the past being the best was unproductive.

    What bothers me the most is long time members deciding to vanish into the dark, abandoning their heritage in these forums and actually
    making perceived problems worse. Believe it or not long time members are respected as much as they are respectful.

    This post isn't meant to offend anyone, just how I feel.
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  7. Zappymouse

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    Jun 18, 2013
    brb jbeaming rocket lawn chair
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  8. 1185323118

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    Oct 11, 2015
    Devs just should allow real-life car MODs exist(without rules like you have to rename it a BeamNG-brand car), I can understand them for not want to get any trouble but real-life cars in BeamNG is just fun, it's fun to drive real-life cars(if they are recreated in BeamNG appropriately) and it's fun to crush them. And those config s**t should be stopped--you can have fun with them by yourself but is like trending in the forum now: community screenshots thread sometimes just got spammed by those stuff and MOD cars don't usually show up until Delta 88 was released recently(and when a car MOD have a update then there will be one page of that MOD). Instead of config, more tuning kits or ricer parts like D-Troxx and daneilon did, and more expansion packs like AR162B and Bernd did.

    After all, I also wish that BeamNG MODding can be easier, people like me--want to do MODs but have no modelling skill and have no time to learn it or to actually do it, want to participate in the MODding community but can't, and BeamNG's player age group seems to be teens to 30s, which they are always busy at their school/jobs and don't have lots of time to MOD, and a impatient community is always asking for updates, blah blah blah......
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  9. Car8john

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    May 12, 2016
    I sadly agree, with all the new noobs joining on the forums, they aren't helping create a better community, yet, neither are we, everytime someone new posts a thread on 'I want this car' we all jump on them and just yak at them for a whole day, who benefits from that? No one. We should just in tsetse say stuff like 'please only post this stuff on the vehical suggestions thread', not 'READ THE DAMN RULES NOOB THIS IS ALREADY MENTIONED GO DIE IN A HOLE' or shit like that.
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  10. Aboroath

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    Aug 25, 2013
    It is tough to not knee jerk lash out at a new member because we have 'seen it a million times' and are utterly fed with responding to the same
    posts over and over. Many times for me it takes a serious conscious decision to not mindlessly react to an irritating post but I am training myself
    to ignore it and if a response is warranted, I try my best to be civil and mature about it.

    Additionally, self policing is a good thing. Senior members can have a powerful effect on politely directing/communicating protocols
    and 'best practices'. Simply whining about all the hordes of noobs and offering nothing but draconian ideas for the devs to implement
    is ridiculous, stupid, misguided and will hurt everyone. The devs have a game to make and they trust us to help keep things civil and reasonable.
    We have the great privilege of controlling what happens in this forum and the devs have exercised remarkable restraint at times.

    Lets keep this place in our hands and not a miserable ban hammer police state hell hole. Be respectful, be mature.
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  11. Car8john

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    May 12, 2016
    Respect is key in any environment, in work, school, anywhere, when you can respect others, them others can begin to respect you....

    Also, I hope we don't have a ban hell hole... But if the forums keep going down this road, the place could turn into a utter shitstorm of noobs and haters....
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  12. Aboroath

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    Aug 25, 2013
    It won't if people use a little common sense, plain and simple. This isn't rocket science. This is supposed to be fun right?
    I have fun in here and that will never get over ridden by anyone online:cool:.
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  13. Brother_Dave

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    Aug 16, 2012
    Im about the same point as Aboroath, waiting for the mega hit when its released and ill jump on the train for real.
    Ill admit that one thing that is stopping me is that taking on jbeaming seems abit large. When i discovered Racer by Ruud van Gaal (v0.35 like 15 yrs ago) i was all at it. Must have made hundreds of cars, few released though..
    As things (games) are getting better and more complicated (Beamng is really good and reaaally complicated so ..), so is the mod part of it. Sure id appreciate a program that'd make jbeaming easier and if im not wrong theres atleast one around. In my case, for now, time is of the essence and with life happening, there is no time to sit down and make another Volvo 740+jbeam, as i did for Cross Racing Championship 2005 :p
  14. Bernd

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    Dec 27, 2015
    You do participate, the amount of support, ideas and just random talking I received and receive by you and others (I don't want to put names since I might forget somebody ;)) is just great, I really like that side of the forums and I'm glad I'd met you here. And I'm surely not the only mod creator having that situation.

    Also, there are the supportive, helpful and caring moderators and staffs, something that's very rare to have with a game and that also make the forums a good place. Just recently the mod-support was invented.

    Thread bumps, disrespectful members, near 0-effort mods and pointless posts are annoying, but the coin always has two sides, please remember that, guys :).
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  15. Car8john

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    May 12, 2016
    Yeah, but, look at the forums now, then look at posts from 2013-2014, there is a huge difference in quality, less spam, more helpful, no 'when will it be ready' questions over and over again. It's sad how the forums are now, just going downhill, yet, new members, those from late 2015 to now, think this is just normal....
  16. Aboroath

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    Aug 25, 2013
    It is what it is. We can all choose to let this make us miserable or not. I can't change what is going on here nor do I want to. When you
    finally realize battling the world in a state of hyperventilating delirium is only going to make YOUR life MORE miserable, and nobody
    really cares anyway, it is a weight off the shoulders.

    I'll refer back to my previous comments, senior members and new members alike, all of us, together, each putting a little effort into it,
    can as a whole, make these issues easily manageable. Screaming ranting demands to turn this forum into a sterile police state will
    eventually be realized if enough disillusioned and lazy people call for it. That, would be a shame.
  17. Car8john

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    May 12, 2016
    It's just sad how the forums are now, they aren't in the glory days and the golden age was long ago, and senior members who relive and help the community try to get back to the heaven it used to be are slowly dying off and there isn't much we can do about it, in fact, soon I might be gone too, so could you, and all that would be left are new members who just spam until the forums get shut down....
    Sad to think about it, but it could and will happen if we keep going down this road
    • Like Like x 1
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