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Is windows 7 becoming old?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by NaNe, Jun 19, 2020.

  1. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    Thank you, man. You're a livesaver. Sometimes, I don't get things or understand them that well. It might be because of my autism, but I hope I can learn more stuff like this in the future.
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  2. Phym

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    Jan 1, 2020
    yeah, you can get windows for free, but that's piracy, you need to pay for a legit copy of Windows, you can tell if it isn't legit by seeing the activate windows watermark in the bottom right:)
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  3. austen64

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    Jul 5, 2019
    Incorrect. You can download and use Windows 10 perfectly legitimately. All activating Windows does is let you change the personalization settings and make the watermark go away.
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  4. Phym

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    Jan 1, 2020
    True, I always thought that not activating Windows was piracy, but I stand corrected.
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  5. Rainvest

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    Dec 26, 2014
    Is it piracy to use programs to activate windows for free?
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  6. kwai38

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    Oct 28, 2017
    Not sure about that, but from a quick google search there are ways to do it
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  7. austen64

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    Jul 5, 2019
    Technically, yes.
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  8. 95Crash

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    Jul 29, 2018
    That's what I thought.
  9. Justy4WDTURBO

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    May 14, 2016
    Look at all these plebs running Winshit 10 or Linux, get on my level:

    yes I know I need to run WinSAT
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  10. appesh1

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    Aug 19, 2019
    Winshit 7 = Winshit 10
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  11. PriusRepellent

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    Mar 19, 2018
    Both Windows and Linux have their place. Windows sucks on embedded devices and servers. Linux sucks as a desktop OS. My watch, TV, and phone run Linux. My desktop runs Windows (with a Linux subsystem). Just my opinion from experience with both.
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  12. Zero

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    Sep 2, 2012
    To all the Windows 7 fanboys, I hope you know what not getting security updates actually means.
  13. MrAnnoyingDude

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    May 4, 2016
    Which I don't care much about.
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  14. Phym

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    Jan 1, 2020
    Yeah, I don’t give a flying f*ck about making Linux “my own”, I just want to use the damn OS
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Sithhy™

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    Apr 5, 2017
    Then use it... As simple as using Windows or MacOS
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. Phym

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    Jan 1, 2020
    No thanks, I like me Windows:)
  17. ARES IV

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    May 6, 2019
    Holy M$ fanboy alert!

    Why is Linux still a thing? Because it is an independent operating system. Why should they cease development of it?

    In terms of fundamental architecture it has been and still is superior to any version of windows. It is just that the average computer user - unsurprisingly - doesnt care about it in the firstplace much. Windows was also lucky enough that a lot of those technical flaws and design inefficiency has been overcompensated by the sheer magnitude of computer peformance increases in the meantime. For example, windows .dll system can be very inefficient with software often installing multiple copies of the same .dll file with different versions of it. It is just that in the age of terabyte storage being standard issue nobody cares about that much anymore.

    Modern linux tries to look and act similar to windows because for all of its flaws windows IS the industry standard for desktop computer operating systems and if you want to make users switch.... you should not bother them with unnecessary UI changes. Ask M$ how well Windows 8 was received to understand the gravity of this issue.

    No operating system updated in the last 20 years looses files. I mean besides Win 10 with its disastrous october update that wiped some peoples user folder clean. Computer dont make mistakes.... they execute mistakes made by programmers and considering M$ track records.... I would trust pretty much anyone more than M$ in this regard. Which is actually really embarassing... you have this multi billion dollar software company and it is completly incapable of developing better software than most mid sized developer teams. Internet Explorer? Probably the single most horrible crapware in human history..... required the advent of Firefox and a decade of major releases costing untold millions just to make it somewhat bearable. Why do you think MS did introduce Edge? Because of IEs reputation..... although they still managed to crap it up.... Edge is so bad.... my organisation is seriously considering switching to Firefox as this 5 year old OS standard browser is still incapable of basic functionality.

    Fast startup is a lie..... M$ has long ago given up improving start up performance and instead is betting on SSD market uptake and basically cheating the startup process.

    Regular startup of a Win 10 system is not startup... it is return from a special power saving mode. Which is nice... unless you got software issues that jost dont go away no matter how often you shutdown and restart your computer.... unless you do an actual restart because only then it actually does a proper initialization. I had to went to 3 people so far and disable that stupid function because the system was messing up.

    Reboot once a year works for Android (Linux based btw) and Linux.... but not for windows. And while Win 10 did improve in this regard quite a lot to be fair.... it still needs the occasional reboot to avoid "odd" behavior.

    Looks are certainly a question of taste, but personally I consider Win 10 the most ugly looking OS since Win 2000. What happened to the aero elegance of Win 7? All gone... crappy dull colours.... we have the best screens and the highest performance hardware ever... but our OS looks like it could only run on a 100 MHZ Pentium 1.

    Gaming on linux has always been an chicken-and-egg problem. Still, gaming conditions on Linux on average have improved and almost the entire smartphone market is Android (linux based).

    You say to love Windows but you hate other system trying to look and act similar? I fail to see the logic in that.

    To many systems? Choice is never a bad thing and Linux - unlike Win 10 - doesnt require you paying even more on top because you happen to want to work on your gaming computer.

    Your hate is illogical. And unfounded. Like most monopolies, M$ combines a premium price tag with the most crappy quality you can deliver without getting sued... to much. It took Firefox and later Chrome to force M$ to adress the crappy piece of code that was Internet Explorer. It took Android and its reliability to make M$ look seriously into the issue of Windows needing a reboot every day.

    Competition is the life blood of customer benefit. Only fools slander it.

    Leaving aside an ugly UI, the spying functions that make Google look like a privacy concerned company in comparsion, a crap ton of bloatware and unwanted features...... it is somewhat useable.

    I wouldnt recommend anyone to pay for an OS that gives precisely zero damm about your privacy. There are less privacy options in Win 10 than in Adroid.... let that sink in for a moment.... google... a company that relies on selling your data allows you more control and Microsoft which has the audacity to charge you 140 prior to selling your data to the highest bidder.

    Win 10 requires third party software to disable the 2 dozen other spying functions that you cannot disable by normal means.

    In fact, I recommened anyone to use this: https://www.oo-software.com/en/shutup10

    You have to rerun it after windows updates... because M$ decides that your privacy settings are not meant to be taken seriously.

    You should care about the fact that they are ripping you off.....

    Such defensiveness...... are you a holy fanboy or just work for MS?

    Wrong. You have to learn how to use one operating system. The de facto industry standard for classic computers has been Windows and as such all competitors try to emulate the user interface as much as possible to have any change of success. Windows on phones has been a horrible failure.... the same thing that locks people into MS on the desktop looks people in into Android on phones.

    People dont want to relearn.... try to force them to relearn at your peril.

    Chrome OS - like most google software - is leages above the average MS quality product.

    Lack of security updates indeeds increases the risk factor but if you use a sensible browser like Firefox, even better with some addons like Noscript and a good anti virus you will be fine. I have run XP well into 2019 and never had any issues..... but of course being computer savy and reasonable paranoid helps greatly, too.

    Software compability wont be an issue for at least several more years for most software and even games:

    Current market share numbers:

    Windows 10 53.74%
    Windows 7 28.35%
    Windows 8 3.65%
    Windows XP 1.49%

    You can have much more severe compatibility issues with Win 8..... as almost nobody is willing to spent cash in supporting this anymore. Win 7 market share is still way to high for a lot of developlers being willing to abandon it. You dont just cut your potential customer base by almost 1/3 without a damm good reason.

    User interface is a taste question but personally Win 7 was so much more elegant while Win 10 just looks dirt cheap, no matter the screen size and quality.

    Fanboy or working for them?

    Yes we do. Given the choice between giving your data to to russian mafia or M$ is a seriously though call about the potential damage level.

    As I said above... risks increase but that doesnt change the fact that the biggest threats is usually the user followed by poor browser choice and downloading habbits.

    So do I. Preferably without big M$ brother spying on me or deciding what is best for me (read them)
  18. Phym

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    Jan 1, 2020
    Dang, I never knew someone could be so toxic about an opinion, jeez, I never said you couldn’t like Linux, you can. Yes I do like Microsoft, problem? Anyways, did I once ever say that you couldn’t like Linux? No, so please stop acting like I am forcing an opinion on people, because I’m not, you can pray to Linux for all I care, but please respect my opinion. Thanks:)
    Small edit: I’m not done.
    Stop acting like anything related to Microsoft is all of a sudden evil, because they aren’t, I do admit, they did fail with a few things, like the Windows phone and Kin(is that what it was called?). But Windows is not a flop. Over 90% of the OS market share is by Windows, and you don’t have to like it, but I do, and that’s that. You can’t change my opinion so stop trying to.
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  19. austen64

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    Jul 5, 2019
    ITT: Windows fanboy and Linux fanboy argue with each other about being fanboys
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  20. Phym

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    Jan 1, 2020
    I’d say that’s true, only a few things, bigot Linux fanboy and Windows fanboy argue about being fanboys while the Windows fanboy doesn’t want a flame war and regrets making that post.
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