Unsolved Is the "Export Selected as Collada" not working?

Discussion in 'Mod Support' started by Spencer Johnson, Mar 29, 2022.

  1. Spencer Johnson

    Spencer Johnson
    Expand Collapse

    Jul 11, 2016
    Whenever I press it when trying to export my mesh roads into a .dae file it flickers and doesn't do anything / show me the menu of where to put it in my directory. I don't know if anyone else is having this issue.
  2. Grafire

    Expand Collapse

    May 20, 2023

    you able to solve your problem?

    A question from me: How can I export my self-built Track (Mesh Road)? I marked the route and exported it as *.dae. Only after importing this file was no Mesh Road visible. The selection area was the size of my built track.

    What do I have to consider when exporting and importing a Mesh Road?
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