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Invisible wall OR scenery object not rendering correctly.

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by TheAdmiester, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. TheAdmiester

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    Aug 7, 2012
    At this:

    (imported from here)
    Section of GridMap, there's an invisible wall between those floating things that resemble barriers with chainlink fences. I'm not sure if the floating objects are supposed to be part of a ramp or something that's not showing up properly, or if they're just random objects with an accidental hidden wall between them. It's apparent that the invisible wall is above the ground, because driving towards it fast seems to pull my roof away, instead of having the car plow directly into it and get crushed.

    I'm on an nVidia card, so I'm fairly sure it's not the rendering bug that AMD cards seem to be having at the moment.
  2. pulley999

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    Jan 21, 2013
    IDK what that is, but it's there and not a bug AFAIK. It's been there some time now. (I kinda wish Gabe's massive pipewrench made it into the final testmap too.)
  3. simon48

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    Aug 8, 2013
    I think it's so you can see the cars hit a wall from the front.
  4. TheAdmiester

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    Aug 7, 2012
    That doesn't explain why it only catches the roof. If it was a proper wall you'd plow straight into it, but this just scrapes the top of your car as if it's a touch too low.
  5. TheAdmiester

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    Aug 7, 2012
    I guess that explains those then, but what are the higher up ones for? It looks like a sort of layered ramp. It could be for the Vanster but surely it'd hit the lower ones first, rendering the higher one useless?
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