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How to use Google Sketchup with Torque3D ( Question )

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by PlayPrey, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. PlayPrey

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    Aug 4, 2013
    Google sketchup is the only program i can actually make stuff in, i actually can model buildings in it, and fun ramps and stuff.. ( i even started today ), and i made a funny looking building with a ramp next to it, and it was fun to drive on, jump off and crash into in the game, however, i started on making a city, and im already running into new problems, in the game i drove onto the sidewalk i made, and the game engine didn't understand how to collide correctly, so the car got planted into the ground...

    there were faces i had deleted, but that wasnt where i drove... does anyone know something i can try to fix??? :) :)

    Aaand you might wanna remember, its the ONLY program i can make stuff in, and i want to make stuff for this awesome game :( I dont want to just be a guy playing other mods, i want to make content for you guys and hopefully add more fun stuff to the game.

    I looked and looked at the forums for a similar problem, didnt find any...
    #1 PlayPrey, Aug 10, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2013
  2. moosedks

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    Nov 4, 2012
    I don't know but learn blender.

    Lol I thought i'd say that since it seemed you really wanted people not to
  3. PlayPrey

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    Aug 4, 2013
    "learn blender" the problem is right there, i have spent DAYS after DAYS on blender, i can only make the most retarded space ship stuff in the world... But i guess i could try and make the map in sketchup, and fix some stuff in blender on the same map afterwards since blender can import .dae, and sketchup can export .dae .. however i would prefer NOT to learn blender because it gives me nightmares now XD
  4. moosedks

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    Nov 4, 2012
    What version did you try to learn? the new ones aren't too hard. I followed some of cgboorman's guides on youtube and learned how to use it a bit.
  5. dkutch

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    Mar 24, 2013
    That's what happens when you want to actually model something, and not draw out poor poly placement and over-usage.
  6. PlayPrey

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    Aug 4, 2013
    2.67 is the version i tried to learn.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I HATE to say this but i didn't quite understand what you meant by that. :/
  7. dmtactical

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    Aug 5, 2012
    Let me just leave you with this advice:

    The difficulty of learning blender is much less than the difficulty of modding games. Time spent learning blender will significantly reduce time spent to create mods because it is a very powerful program. If you take the easy way out you will just end up spending hours making a shape that takes 3 clicks in a more powerful program. Also, blender is not the best program, just the best free one, use 3DS max or another professional program if you can afford it.

    If you give up on something as simple as blender, you won't get far in life.
  8. PlayPrey

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    Aug 4, 2013
    I just cant seem to understand Blender, i have followed several tutorials, but ended up nowhere... However i guess i have to RE-TRY... Can anyone provide link to a good guy? and i need collision meshes.. verrry important.. as using visible meshes in torque 3D makes the object punch the car to death.. XD

    - - - Updated - - -

    Update on BLENDER. problemoo.png
  9. jammin2222

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    Sep 15, 2013
    Sorry for replying to this old thread, I dont know if the OP is still interested but I feel your pain when it comes to blender.
    I have got visible mesh collisions working for sketchup models. Just make sure all your faces are orientated the correct way. (white side will collide correctly, the grey side will suck you in. Also make sure there is no texture on the grey side of the face) explode any groups that are in the model and export it. Any grouped sections wont collide. I don't think it matters if the entire model is grouped or not, but any subgroups wont collide. so I would explode all the groups you made before exporting.

    If you are going to use visible mesh for collisions then do not make your models high poly. The physics will start getting laggy pretty quick. I made a car park that was about 28000 poly's. It would kill the fps when you drove onto it. To fix it I made a basic low poly version (about 4000 poly's) and textured it all in the same material (don't use a material you want to use elsewhere in your map) then import it, place it exactly over the top of the high detail version(copy/paste position & rotation) and edit the material to be transparent. Then turn off collisions for the high detail lag monster, and enabled visible mesh collisions for the transparent low poly version.

    While I agree sketchup is total garbage for 3D game content creation, It can be done if you don't care about amazing looking textures and properly optimized everything. I have figured out how to make models have different levels of detail too. It also seems you can add a collision mesh the same way as a LOD, but I am unable to get it to collide from following the T3D documentation. so my above method still seems the easiest way to reduce collision geometry until I figure out what I'm doing wrong.

    I might make a video tutorial explaining all the above mentioned tips if a few people would find it helpful.
    If you need to know more let me know. hope this helps even though its a bit late.
  10. PlayPrey

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    Aug 4, 2013

    Thank you, I will consider retrying SketchUp with BeamNG.drive sometime. :)
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