MILLIMETRES IS CLOSE ENOUGH HOLY SHIT (imported from here) I'm now the proud owner of a nana-spec 1997 Subaru GF8 Impreza GX, 2.0L AWD. Slightly crashed, but totally roadworthy. If I get that mod itch (which I undoubtedly will), I'll start a build thread
Congrats, man. That thing looks beautiful. Wouldn't mind owning one of those myself... I appear to have screwed up my computer relatively massively by messing with the EUFI settings in the bios in an effort to get the computer to recognize, and boot from, a USB stick... On the upside, I found out that my computer is under an STD license. Which is... interesting. Or maybe I'm just tired. Damn
Great looking car and for $200 that's crazy cheap. Just wondering but just how crashed is slightly crashed?
Good eye! There is indeed some damage to the front where it has gently kissed the car in front. The bumper is slightly bent, the upper grille is loose, the left headlight is cracked, and the plastic bracket that the grille bolts into is wrecked. The rear is where the goodies are. It was rear ended by a taxi at around 25km/h. As such, the bumper is damaged beyond repair (unless I use 600 tubs of bog), the right taillight is shattered, the tailgate is slightly misaligned, and the rebar behind the bumper is bent. Patches of rust are eating away at the rebar, which I'll eventually replace. The rubber trim on the right hand side of the windscreen is missing, and patches of rust are appearing in the center of the roof, just above the windscreen. Otherwise, the rest of the body is in good nick. The interior is in fair shape. (Original head unit WTF). Mechanically, she's perfect. No clunks, no leaks, nothing, aside from a very slight clutch shudder. 90% tread on the tires, which was a nice bonus! Considering that it was parked outdoors in the sun and rain without moving for two months before I came along and bought it, I was surprised it started first go with a jump from the ever-reliable Audi.
Sounds like you did get a bargain, can we have some more pictures of it in it's current state? I'm always interested in restoring cars back to their former glory!
This is a proper long term project car. It'll be more glorious than the day it left the dealership. Pics from the actual advertisement. (imported from here) (imported from here) And lastly, the difference a really good wash makes. Compare this with the pre-wash photo! I didn't even have to touch this in photoshop (imported from here)
that pretty obviously wasnt going to work and doesnt even work on all linux distros either Windows 10 has OneGet though.
I kinda think it looks cool. On the subject of beamng, russians have a kit car in production for beamng, and they say "The devlopers are doing everything in their power to make modding impossible. Wut.
I like. Rig upgrading time: RAM! \ (•◡•) / Currently using some 5 years old 1x Crucial 1333mhz 8GB stick (From my ancient AMD Phenom Rig). Going for 2x HyperX Fury 1866mhz 8GB sticks (Won't mix them with above) (imported from here) Why? Because editing 1080p/1440p in Vegas already takes up 8GB of Ram by itself. PC becomes a brick when RAM goes out.. And future proofing (Considering most recent games recommends 8GB of Ram). Had that in my mind for a bit anyway