Re: General discussion chat Not really. The main idea behind it is a spiritual successor to the Ford Capri. Im working on various designs, and its super early in the project. Just throwing some ideas around to see what i like best.
Re: General discussion chat If anyone is looking for somewhere good to get a Competition for Stuff like rigs, laptops, gaming laptops, etc Check this website out
Re: General discussion chat so apparently the next windows is actually going to be called windows 10, not 9 probably because 7 8 9 (if you get it, then cookie for you)
Re: General discussion chat No, it's because it's the 10th Windows. It seems they count 8.1 as a new OS when it was actually a big update for 8. Is it me or is Microsoft screwing up badly after they hired satya nadella as CEO?
Re: General discussion chat they say it's a new os, but on there website 8.1 is listed as a service pack for windows 8 also horizon 2 released today, xb360 has intentionally dialed down graphics to get people to get xbone, and doesn't have as many car's as the xbone version (don't know why they think that'll work, the average person is not going to have $400 to get a new console just for 1 game)
Re: General discussion chat Which do you prefer, 1, 2 or 3, and why? Link to full size (imported from here)
Re: General discussion chat My former employer hired an East Indian born CEO as well and 8 years later the moral is dead. These guys are absolute slash and burn financial nazi's and more often than not will destroy any character a company has. These fiduciary fascists are brought in to inflate and support stock value and nothing else. Mark my words and watch what happens with MS. Better yet talk to their rank and file in two years.
Re: General discussion chat Does anyone know HowToBasic? It's a channel on youtube that properly instructs you on how to do certain everyday tasks like making food.
Re: General discussion chat Number 1, it looks more sleek. If you combine design one with the front fascia on design two, then its a keeper.
Re: General discussion chat From whats been shown, windows 10 doesnt have the modern ui start screen as an option for those who like it, so I shall be sticking with 8.1 Sent from the 3rd galaxy from the talks of tapping
Re: General discussion chat That's what happens when you get a complete moron for a CEO. I don't like the start screen, but why remove it? Why replace it with the start menu? Can't you have both? Oh, or is it too hard for your idiotic target audience to change such an option? Come on, most people might not know a lot about computers, bt they're not complete retards. We're talking about a big checkbox in the main settings page. Heck, you could even put it in the first time config, right in front of the user's face. A big bloody button. But no, you have to remove it. Have one option only, so the people who don't like it keep your old OS. Way to go, Microsoft. They're repeating the exact same mistake they made with Windows 8 in the first place: Removing the "old" option. Sure, most people are used to the old start menu, but you don't have to kill the start screen completely, because the people who liked it, oh guess what, won't upgrade. Because you removed it. Wow, who would've thought that could happen? Windows RT 10 (for ARM tablets) gets it even worse though; they're removing the desktop. Entirely. Basically, removing the one thing that makes Windows 8 tablets worth buying. Seriously, why would I want Windows with no desktop? The whole point of a Windows 8 tablet was having some PC features on a tablet, now you don't have them anymore. And since nobody ever liked the start screen in the first place, now that it's an entire OS by itself there are no apps for it. You didn't improve Windows RT at all, you just killed it! God dammit, why don't they fire this incompetent idiot and get a CEO who knows what he's doing? At least someone whose IQ is higher than that of a sack of potatoes. /rant
Re: General discussion chat So I am fairly sure this thing will either not have a long lifespan or be extremely slow. Buutt, this deal was on ebay and i pulled the trigger. Opinions?
Re: General discussion chat If anybody is following my project Micro Car Racing. GameJolt edition has just been released with some new features (imported from here) Gamejolt link :