General discussion

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Car crusher, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. Michaelflat

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    Jul 10, 2014
    Yeah looks like i'm never fully paying back my student loan :p
  2. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    How they could not foresee of that happening? o_O Yeah, indeed that is going to bite back some day, probably not only students though, but all tax payers.

    So this another firm is rolling in money and who are those of who benefit from that firm? I guess some people have gone out and figured what is behind with that all.

    Essentially that is huge money transfer from pocket of people to certain individual group behind that firm and at Municipality level such shady deals happen sometimes, but would be pretty bad if on that level such is done on purpose.

    Then again you said they did that illegally, so in that case they probably should face consequences and pay back to government or something.

    It probably would of been much cheaper for government to actually just give out free education.
  3. aljowen

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    Oct 21, 2012
    In general, it seems pretty ill thought through. Since the majority will not pay off the loan. Those who are wealthy enough to pay back the loan, would have paid for their education up front, or will pay back the loan very quickly to avoid the interest. So its not like the rich are going to be subsidising education for the poor either.

    I do wonder if it would be cheaper to make university paid for by the tax payer up front. That said, do the universities really need £9250 per year per student? Maybe the education and research sides of the budget should be split up?

    In an ideal world they would make it an actual tax that everyone who gets a degree must pay, and abolish university fees. This way universities would only get paid if their graduates get paid. Unfortunately, a persons fortunes are in general linked to how wealthy their parents were, so universities would be reluctant to teach people from a poorer background.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    Isn't there some kind of entry test in place still though and you still pay for books and all that.

    I look at hands involved handling money, software, registers etc. needed and it might come eventually quite bit cheaper if there would not be that kind of cost involved, but if that part too would be provided by tax money directly.

    Especially if there is some firm or other party tacing a cut in middle and essentially government still paying the whole think, most definitely that is going to be either shady money transfer to small group behind the firm or just terrible badly planned system, which actually is not so rare to happen.
  5. aljowen

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    Oct 21, 2012
    University admissions is mainly handled by an organisation called UCAS. Universities either set their entry requirements based upon prior school grades (A,B,C etc [although in the UK we now grade with numbers rather than letters at high school level]), or UCAS points, which are calculated using prior school grades (and sometimes other external qualifications that you may have). On top of that, some universities do have entry tests in place.

    So to get into Oxford or Cambridge, yes, you need to have scored pretty highly at school. But, there are 130 universities in the UK, all with different entry requirements. So for some universities you need good grades, for others a pulse and a means to pay (be it student loans or otherwise) is good enough.

    In the UK universities are not allowed to charge UK citizens more than £9250 per year. Apparently only 4 out of 115 universities in England have courses that charge less than the maximum amount. When your students aren't actually paying for it, why wouldn't you grab as much money as you can?

    As for books. It depends. The school of computer science within the university that I graduated from had a policy that students will never be required to buy a book for the course. If there was required reading, it either had to be available from the library (usually digitally), or free. They also provided free 24hr access to computing labs, hence there was no requirement to even own a computer. Equally, if you needed specialist gear such as VR headsets, the university would loan them out free of charge. And if they didn't already own what you needed, and you had a good reason for needing it, they would buy it for you.
    I know that the university of Hull gives all their students a free ring bound copy of one of their professors books. Its also freely available online to the public too, and they give physical copies away on open days. Its available here:

    However, I know that one of my flatmates who was studying economics was required to buy a book that cost over £100, and was written by her professor. Which sounds like a good little money earner to me :p
    #37205 aljowen, Jun 5, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2019
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  6. Michaelflat

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    Jul 10, 2014
    Apparently they will reduce the tuition fee cap to circa £7k/yr.. Universities are complaining about how they can't possibly teach for that much money.. (looking at universities, they don't seem hard-up! lavish buildings and etc. meanwhile 16-18 colleges are merely adequate, and printer budget is zilch)...

    Interesting if it ever happens :p
  7. aljowen

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    Oct 21, 2012
    The proposal is to lower the fee, but at the same time to also increase the repayment time from 30 years to 40 years. So while the upfront fee is lower, the amount people actually pay will go up. Whether that will match or beat inflation is yet to be seen of course. Not to mention that the rich get to pay less for a degree, while everyone in the student loans system will have to pay more.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. redrobin

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    Aug 21, 2012
  9. Alex_Farmer557

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    Dec 28, 2016
  10. General S'mores

    General S'mores
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    Sep 15, 2013

    Well, doesn't this lawsuit already sound stupid from the title?

    (FYI, it actually is)
  11. redrobin

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    Aug 21, 2012
    Why do people deem it necessary to ruin someone's day because they can't talk loud.

    Fuck people. I hate them. Which means I hate you reading this right now because you're a person.

    Fuck you.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Michaelflat

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    Jul 10, 2014

    oh and also mightaswell put this here in general discussion, but i hate colds so much, like i never remembered how it was before, but now i do, literally i go upstairs from breakfast to brush my teeth, thus i am slightly breathing more, but i nearly have to hold my breath for 2 minutes (when i get colds, i usually get nosebleeds, i'd rather not so try my best to not) thus i feel like dying during brushing my teeth.. after i brush my teeth i'm like huffing and puffing like ive ran a marathon or smt:p

    also with a blocked nose, what annoys me is that i can hear my breathing, this infuriates me as i have like spent my whole life breathing silently (truly silently, i can hear everyone breathing in my class for example, even people other side of the room, and i have made my breathing silent at least that is what i think) but now i have to breathe and i notice it just about, and normally i try to go back to silent breathing through my nose, which doesn't work so i end up not breathing at all, until i realise and then have to do a big breath using my mouth... annoying stuff..
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    Quite simply, it was the Tory government in the UK that sold the loans
  14. -WhistlerXPWhistler7

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    Oct 27, 2017
    Which also means your a person..

    Fuk u

  15. redrobin

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    Aug 21, 2012
    Oh fuck, dude. I am a person. Holy fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck I'm no better than you fucks.

    Yum lotsa beer
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Potato

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    Feb 19, 2013
    Someday I want enough property to have a rally cross course on.
  17. rottenfitzy

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    Mar 7, 2015
    That would be great, since you can rent it.
  18. Alex_Farmer557

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    Dec 28, 2016
    With insurance and gear, you'd need really high fees
  19. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    So Steam did make certain changes how reviews are displayed some time ago and they promised to allow to filtered reviews to be shown up.

    So I did notice one game where there was this button to show filtered reviews and this is what it brought up:

    Yeah, there is the option for sure, but maybe it is just me, however I feel it still lacks bit of something.

    There was also another moment of question marks over my head, I have some game in library I guess, but clicking the game is not bringing up store page and this information is not really telling me which game it is:

    There was also amusing moment of when I did need to send a support ticket, needed to include two logs as .txt files, one both attached fine, but from another form complained that only .txt files or images are accepted, naturally only after submitting the form, attaching file was not an issue. From reasons uknown to me, only one file gave error, other did not, they were almost similar names, no odd characters, simple plain text files of similar size, but no, other file caused error when submitting form, other did not.

    It is quite lot of bugs I'm constantly stumbling upon when using Steam, but that first one is pretty amusing, Do you wish... then only option is to cancel, I give you two choices Cancel or exit :D

    I guess I'm bit too hard on them, but amount of bugs is certainly amusing.
  20. Kueso

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    Oct 14, 2016
    I swear im not a stalker
    i just like FailRace.

    Basically i think i found @AnOrangeHellcat in a failrace vid. I just recognized the name lol
    5:06 at this video address:
    look in the bottom left corner. I dont think this is a coincidence that somebody else would have the exact same username but i could be wrong...
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