General Car Discussion

Discussion in 'Automotive' started by HadACoolName, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. MotherTrucker02

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    Jun 29, 2016
    If only Ford would put them in the Raptor so the off road beast would sound more like a truck and less like a sewing machine.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  2. redrobin

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    Aug 21, 2012
    And I have deduced, though extensive experimentation and testing with multiple subjects in a multitude of conditions, that 2011-2014 EcoBoost F-150's also haul ass. 6 seconds to 60 in something that weighs about as much as a planet it bloody horrifying.
  3. General S'mores

    General S'mores
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    Sep 15, 2013
    My parents used to own vehicles like the CR-X, Golf, and Focus. Out of them, the CRX was the best vehicle (but was flipped over by something at a parking lot), while the Focus and Golf were kind of shit. On the other hand, we still have the Maxima, though it had suffered. The other two are fine as of now (though the Altima once had a dead battery before).
  4. opkraut

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    May 30, 2015
    A lot of those big trucks are surprisingly quick. My Dad's 2015 diesel GMC Sierra 2500hd weighs some stupid amount (Probably around 7,000 lbs) but has 765 ft-lbs of torque. Every time I drive it I'm always surprised by how fast it can get going.
  5. redrobin

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    Aug 21, 2012
    I suppose that’s the side effect of putting really powerful engines in something. You need all that power for hauling and towing, and then it ends up being kinda fast, too.
  6. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    You know, is it too much to ask for clean lyrics and a good beat for racing in the same song?
  7. aljowen

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    Oct 21, 2012
    My guess would be that "Tokyo Drift" by the "Teriyaki Boyz" would be your kinda thing :p

    But to give a more serious answer, there is near endless amounts of good music out there. Personally I am a bit of a drum and bass fan, so that genre tends to be my go to. "Driving music" isn't something that I consider, I tend to go with a general music playlist of music that I like. Since Drum and Bass has a moderately high BPM and most is highly rhythmic, a lot of it seems well suited to the purpose.
  8. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    I actually do have a lot of old DnB (I just call it techno because I don't care about the 50 million different subgenres of EDM) in a playlist already, most of it from old Need for Speed and Burnout games, but electronic anything isn't necessarily my favorite type of music. You start looking into rock & country (which are my two favorites), you'll quickly discover that the supply of non-raunchy driving songs is fairly thin, and that frequently a given artist has only ever made one or two over their entire career. I've managed to make about 20 playlists, but some have only one or two songs, some consist entirely of stuff I heard on the radio, and some are dedicated entirely to made-for-game tracks such as from the first two/three (depending on how you count the ones that were made for 3 and then not used) Burnout games. In attempting to expand them, I find song after song after song that would be great if it weren't also obscene... not that there also aren't a few of those on the radio too.

    The reason for all this is, I'm trying to catalog and organize my favorite songs into decently coherent mixes to buy and burn onto CDs and listen to in the car. I don't have much money and would prefer not to give Apple any of it, so I'm trying to figure out which songs I can get where and for how much, and thereby prioritize the ones whose genre I'm closest to pulling a complete mix from. The more material I have, the longer it'll take me to get sick of every single song in my collection and resume screaming at the radio to stop playing slow music when I'm trying to stay awake on a late-night drive home.

    Like I said, I have definitely found some, but on the other hand, when you start adding remixes of Pokemon BGM to your playlists, you know you're getting desperate.

    The funny part of it is, one of my playlists does actually have a couple songs from "that place" on it. See, the thing with Japanese car culture is that it was actually interesting right up until it became the new normal everywhere and threatened to overwrite American (and everywhere else) car culture completely... though it might be merciful if they'd do the same to Western music, because what passes for music these days is flatly terrible.

    ^The exact moment music died.

    (I seriously didn't even realize there was good modern EDM until I found some in someone's Trackmania video.)
    #12788 NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck, Jul 10, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2018
  9. MotherTrucker02

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    Jun 29, 2016
    I actually don't mind stuff like what's in that video, or at least I find it much more tolerable than anything that falls in the category of rap. To relate my post to cars, I usually drive either without music or with it quiet enough that I can't really hear any words anyways. I'm also not oddly obsessed with keeping everything I associate with free of "bad words," but to each their own. I prefer to hear the engine when I'm driving and it's really annoying shuttling friends around when they turn up the music to a deafening level then wonder why I'm not shifting as smooth.
  10. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    Thousand foot krutch. Done. They share your Christian values while making some alright mysti
  11. MrAnnoyingDude

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    May 4, 2016
    Go with unclean. You're racing, not driving the church group.

    Also, what are you racing in an old Escort? Mobility scooters? School buses? Bicycles?
    • Like Like x 1
  12. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    Nothing yet, but that doesn't mean I can't get my music ready; on the scale I have planned this is going to be almost as much of a project as fixing either car. The Escort, before I race it, needs shock mounts, valve seats, possibly steering rack bushings, probably ball joints or tie rod ends, and a thorough underbody inspection to make sure the rust hasn't become terminal. The Sunbird needs new rods and rings, though I've long since made up my mind that I'm just going to put a 3.4L in it and repair the 3.1L later in case I ever buy a Fiero, plus a brake inspection and overhaul all around (or just organ harvest a Dodge Neon for the rear brakes). Of course I currently can't afford any of these things.

    (The Sunbird makes my music mix project even more difficult because it has a tape deck instead of a CD player. Anyone can throw songs onto a CD, but choosing and ordering them so that they precisely fill both sides of a 45 minute audio cassette, while still achieving the overall effect I'm going for, will take some doing.)
    #12792 NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck, Jul 10, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2018
  13. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    Modded tape decks make it far cooler though
    --- Post updated ---
    Delete the erase head. Can record fades over other tracks, proper mix tape
  14. MrAnnoyingDude

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    May 4, 2016
    How much is this customization gonna cost?
  15. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    Too much for my current job. I'm guessing it's going to be at least another grand to get the Escort to where I'd trust it over 80 MPH, another 2 grand just to get the Sunbird running again... one piece at a time, I guess, though a new engine will obviously have to be paid for all at once - though in the process it will also mean I don't immediately have to fix all the other nickel & dime stuff that's wrong with the one currently in it. Even before the rings went, it had more leaks than Julian Assange and a bunch of "little things" too.
  16. Ytrewq

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    Dec 6, 2014
    My car has no radio or any player at all
    haha yes
  17. aljowen

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    Oct 21, 2012
    You might want to check out Eurobeat if you enjoy some of the Japanese driving music. It's kinda similar in style.

    Personally I get most of my music through Juno, since they offer it DRM free in a few different formats. Not sure if they operate outside of the UK though.
  18. JBatic

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    Jan 22, 2015
    There are affordable machines to record to cassettes out there, the trick is finding everything.
  19. aljowen

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    Oct 21, 2012
    You can get Cassette to 3.5mm adapters. So you may be able to connect your phone through the Cassette player. Just don't expect the quality to be anything amazing.

    Having said that, if its a single din deck you could get a replacement audio player for less than $50 with an auxiliary in and CD player.
  20. Googlefluff

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    Feb 12, 2015
    A cassette player was an optional extra for my car, which of course was not selected. One of those FM radio transmitters that plugs into your phone is my only saving grace from the horrors of local radio.
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