Neat!, How's the progress on the truck? I wanted to recreate the car chase from The Matrix Reloaded and this will be perfect to use
Imagine if the roamer itself actually had a 60s generation --- Post updated --- 1966 Gavril Polara lmao
if im understanding you correctly, you read the "gavril polara" thing, and ignored everything afterwards
No I just saw the title, got excited, clicked the forum, realized it wasn't a 60s fullsize, disappointment
Reminds me of a Lincoln/Ford but with the bed thingy mabob totally looks like a escalade. --- Post updated --- (and also an avalanche)
This project reminds me of the Explorer Sport Trac The Sport Trac does have a sport version, named Adrenalin So I would suggest making a config with the current RoadSport Roamer Great Work!