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Gavril D15

Discussion in 'Official Content' started by gabester, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. LPerez94

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    Dec 24, 2019
    crew cab shorter/extra short bed.. looks badass
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  2. Chrisoffer

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    Aug 6, 2017
    i`ve noticed that the d series doesnt have sun visors
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  3. shadowace95

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    Sep 28, 2015
    The short body could really use an off-road cut variant to match the front fenders. The 42s will clear the front but not the rear and i cant take a sawz-all to the fenders on a game like i did my real life counterpart :cool:

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  4. enjoyinorc6742

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    Dec 24, 2015
    Good Job Guys, we got 'em
    • Like Like x 7
  5. MrAnnoyingDude

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    May 4, 2016
    The Marauder's power output is incorrectly quoted as 364 HP.
  6. Cento186

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    Feb 15, 2014
    Am I missing something? I can't find an extra short bed anywhere...
  7. austen64

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    Jul 5, 2019
    It's photoshopped.
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  8. KrukasKlep

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    Aug 2, 2018
    The giveaway is the messed up tile to the right of the rear tire.
  9. LPerez94

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    Dec 24, 2019
    Edited in paint lol. Hope someone makes one..I want a crew cab with almost same length as extended cab/king cab.
  10. Cento186

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    Feb 15, 2014
    Dammit, I didn't look too close I just got excited!
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Docco

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    Dec 27, 2019
    This update was amazing. Just wish there was a larger V8. I feel like only a 5.5L in the new HD passenger models that were added leaves some performance to be desired.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  12. CaptainZoll

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    Nov 10, 2016
    Or like some people said, wom older V8s, as the SOHC ford looking ones wouldn't have existed in the 80s. the bluebuck/barstow's 423 (and maybe a bigger one as well, like a 453 or something) with a basic fuel injection on it would be a good fit IMO.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  13. KrukasKlep

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    Aug 2, 2018
    how about we wait with that until the Inline 6 gets more polygons on it.
    screenshot_2020-04-10_12-43-44.png screenshot_2020-04-10_12-44-01.png
    • Agree Agree x 5
  14. Cutlass

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    Apr 30, 2017
    just noticed that there is D20 lettering hopefully we will get more configurations for the Charro and Kentarch
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. devilboy662

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    Jan 21, 2017
    I love the update yet I am still waiting for this

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  16. Ploper25

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    Aug 4, 2013
    Okay but how do baja trucks manage? is the baja 1000 arcady type shit?

    edit: if i wanted to jump off cliffs and be okay i wouldn't have bought this game 7 years ago
    #716 Ploper25, Apr 12, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2020
  17. CaptainZoll

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    Nov 10, 2016
    yes, but baja trucks have completely overhauled suspension which is specifically designed for taking jumps, and even then, they basically have to land them square or ass-first to prevent the front suspension from being wrecked.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  18. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    This is a long post, so...

    Well now that the next batch of bits for the truck came out, I'd like to talk about where things can go now. Considering how versatile these platforms are IRL, I'd say it's really impressive that most of what I can think of is individual parts now, opposed to full on things like the Charro, pre-facelift, and long bed frames.

    First off, I just want to talk about some of the stuff we've gotten. IRL I love 1970s/1980s trucks and 1980s/1990's SUVs, and the bigger ones have a special place for me for reasons I won't get into. Combine that with the high customization compared to the rest of the roster and now the D30 and LXT Roamer are two of my favorite vehicles in game, even though before 0.18 I barely touched the platform's offerings. It's funny how big of an impact those additions have even though they don't change much gameplay wise. The D30 is great and the new Marauder is just perfect. I have no idea what the Zeta is supposed to be but I know it looks great and is fun to drive, so I've been having a lot of fun with that too. I'm really bummed the new Roamer RS hasn't gotten more attention from the community; I'm not sure I've seen anyone mention that phenomenal looking body kit on it. Seriously, great job to whoever made that kit. The new police truck looks great, and thanks to this update I want barn doors on everything. *Barn door Bolide when?*. Between 0.18 and 0.19 we've gotten a lot of content I wanted but never expected to see, it's really great to be a spectator watching this game grow right now. It's come a long way from when I found this game back in November of 2012 with those first four or so Youtube videos on the official channel.

    Anyway, on with my usual list of stuffs...

    As for current bits that aren't up to par:

    I think most of us can agree that the i6 is just a disaster in terms of both content and textures. Spicy put a picture of it a couple of posts up, but here's a pic of an i6 D10 next to an i6 Hopper to show it next to something at the current quality level. The frame textures aren't up to the Hopper's standard either.

    The headliners across the vehicle roster could use some work. Cars like the GM and D-Series just have a void, but little of the roster is up to the quality of the Autobello here.

    As for miscellaneous bits that we don't have:

    Engine Stuffs: The only big hole in factory content at this point is the engine selection. These sorts of trucks usually had lengthy lists of engine options alone, but the D-Series only gets 3.5:
    4.1L petrol i6
    4.5 & 5.5L petrol V8
    6.0L diesel V8
    I realize that adding a bunch of engines would make maintenance a pain, but we would really use at least one or two more. Nearly all of the factory spec D-Series trucks use the 4.5 and 5.5 in the same tuning, so we really could use some variety here. Looking at the IRL counterpart trucks, all of them had a 7.2-7.5L V8, so a big block in that range is important. A smaller diesel would probably be a good idea too. Diesel i6 engines were on 2/3 of the counterpart trucks (3/3 if we are counting export versions) and would be better for variety than another V8.

    A note on the Gavril 4.5/5.5: AFAIK, the same engine is in the Roamer, D-Series, H-Series, GM, and Hopper. But the early intake is only available on the D-Series and Roamer. So, that's kinda weird. Not that we need it on the others, I just find it weird to have different options for the same engine like that.

    As for less important options:
    -A slant 6 is an option. I'd like to see one on something someday, and this is a contender.
    -Speaking of the i6, apparently there was a special order option for a propane conversion on the F-Series' i6. That could be a quirky option.
    -An N/A diesel is in the same position as the slant 6. I'd love to see one someday on something so I'm mentioning it here, though I don't know if it would make sense on the D-Series.

    Whenever I mention engines I feel obligated to mention how much we need an "if it fits it ships" engine swap system. Just mentioning it, that's aside the point of this post. The Gavril ultra-thrust in the D-Series would be a fun swap.

    Pre-Facelift stuffs: Well hopefully this doesn't start another fight like it usually does... Look, I love the pre-facelift, it looks great. Don't start a big fight over some comments someone on the internet made again.
    -I still say Zoll's door suggestion looks great. Judging by the positive feedback on his post, I'm not alone. The lack of the quarter window/smoker window is really weird on the current truck, and the older door handles and the higher door line helps the look. The Hopper and Vivace have multiple options for doors, and the Autobello kind of does as well. So the D-Series would be far from the first to have different door options with this.
    - Bumper guards for the old bumper would be appropriate, they were on these trucks once in awhile. Reference the Bluebuck's bumper guards as a sub-part for her bumper.
    -Old style running boards would be a cool option.
    - Here's another one that I'm sure will be controversial... I love the step side and am incredibly happy to have it, but it's rather 1990's. Which is great for the post-facelift truck, but IMO it looks too new for the pre-facelift. With the flares it looks passable on the '85, but back then all 3 of the counterpart trucks still had very utilitarian stepside beds.
    Note how this blazer has the bumper guards, older running boards, etc...

    Note the very utilitarian stepside bed on this Chevy. This sorta utilitarian look was on all 3 of the counterpart trucks.

    I just like this Dodge. Note how this older style bed would allow for the exhaust stacks :)
    This Dodge also has another style of step under the door that I see a fair bit on these trucks. Would be a nice personalization bit.
    The D-Series RS: This truck just looks out of place in the game now. It's the only 1990's Gavril RS that doesn't have a special bumper and hood. Personally I would love to see the pre-face-lift get a big block RWD muscle truck RS and the post-face-lift get the treatment that the other 1990's RS vehicles got.
    -A utility bed would be nice. It wouldn't add anything to game play, but they are common IRL and more or less just a big box.
    -A street legal flatbed would be a useful uplift, especially if we ever get goose neck trailers (Which I hope we do. A goose neck car trailer would be the best way to transport cars yet).
    -Someone's going to mention a dump bed if I don't
    - Ramp truck and rollback: I imagine these could fit on some of the longer D-Series frames if they get a single cab option. These would be great for game play, being the second real option for a tow truck, a much more manageable size than the rollback T-Series, and much easier to get in game than the wheel lift/mini wrecker that use to be half in game (The rollback is just a mini version of the one already in game, the ramp truck is just a wedge).
    -Food truck: I'm not suggesting this in game, I'm asking for one in real life. I'm hungry. I haven't been out to eat in like a month. Send quesadillas.
    -Sawzall'd fenders for the existing beds would help get bigger tires in the rear. The front fenders have sawzall'd options (off road fender without the flares) but the only way to get similar rear clearance is the pig's bed
    To be honest, the only stuff I can think of here is miscellaneous personalization bits and RWS for a special luxury edition. In universe there would probably be a pickup version, but I don't see a point in actually making the thing. I'd like to hear other's opinions on it though. Perhaps someone sees it the same way I see the D30. I know a lot of people want a two door, but I'm really not convinced that the proportions would look right. Toron Beldevar was able to make the Roamer Sport mod look all right by reshaping the rear, so it is possible.
    Bucket seats
    -Personalization bits: Between the fact that the vehicle model is made to have bits swapped out and the structure of career mode and how fun it is to just mess around with the vehicle customization, it's important to have a fair parts library. The D-Series is currently best in game in this area (RIP Bolide), but there's some specific bits I hope to see. I already mentioned some bits that would be good for this in the pre-face-lift section, but two that stick out are a razor back and a sun visor. Some more off-road racing bits would be nice too. Hopefully Feretank's new truck will bring some customization bits in this department.
    Note the razor back and the sun visor on this Ford.

    I love these baja style front bumpers.
    -Suspension: I never fully appreciated how important having weird suspension set ups are in game until the Youtube community started making videos about the Hopper Crawler. Turns out extreme suspension set ups are a fairly good way at showing people that this game is more than a crashing sim and has a detailed physics/vehicle model. It's captivating to watch them at work. This is one of the reasons why I would love to see a V-Drive for the platform, as I've mentioned twice on the H-Series thread recently. (The other reason is that BeamNG is uniquely suited to handling weird things like that properly). I've never been interested in the Ford twin beam suspension, but they look pretty cool from what I saw looking for reference photos for this post. I guess I have to load up AR162B's mod and play around with that now.
    -The top of my wishlist for suspension is a 2.5 ton axle. Great for garage built crawlers, mud trucks, and a certain other type of truck that has a large community on the forums but also seems to start fights easily. For anyone who likes this sorta stuff I recommend watching Stacey David's Sergeant Rock buid video on Youtube where he put some Junkyard military bits under an old pickup. If we ever get this it'll probably be another Ferretank special, so... Hopefully one of these wins King of the Hammer's I guess.
    -Nathan24 is gonna mention this if I don't: hydraulics. Personally I'm not sure this truck would be well suited for it since it's so big and that's more of a minitruck thing, but I have to admit it would be funny to see a long bed crew cab D35 with hydraulics.
    #718 ManfredE3, Apr 18, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 7
  19. ktheminecraftfan

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    Mar 14, 2014
    It would work if you use the long back window from the LXT roamer.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  20. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    Edit: After spending a few days looking at my 5 second mock up, I actually do like it a lot.
    #720 ManfredE3, Apr 18, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2020
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