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Gavril D15

Discussion in 'Official Content' started by gabester, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. vmlinuz

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    Mar 2, 2014
  2. 147689

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    Jun 10, 2014
    It would be cool if the spare tire could burn some rubber IF it comes in contact with a hard surface like asphalt and actually rubs against the surface​
  3. B727ClassicFlyer

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    Feb 9, 2013
    I'm no BeamNG conspiracy theorist, but I think that the spare tire is from Illuminati Tires Corp. Just saying...
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  4. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    *casually whistles*
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  5. Kona61

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    Aug 12, 2012
    I still feel the gearing on the D15 is still both too tall down low, and that the engine is too small with not enough torque. I have never seen a fullsize truck with such a small displacement engine, nor such terrible low end torque. It can barely even pull the ETK up a very slight incline. The biggest issue I find is that it can't even spin the wheels on Gridmap from a dead stop on the hills.
  6. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    The Gavril 4.5L is probably the in-universe equivalent of the Ford Modular 4.6L, which was used in the F150 at one point. Dodge also had a 4.7L. Additionally, full-size trucks have, for a long time, had smaller, less-powerful six-cylinder options, which the Gavril 4.1L straight 6 is probably a decent representation of.
  7. Kona61

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    Aug 12, 2012
    Fair enough with dispacemet, but have you actually parked it on a reasonable hill and tried to set off? The truck will literally not move an inch. It may even slide back...
  8. DavidTheWild150

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    Jun 8, 2015
    Is it possible we could have a D45 or D55 as a tow truck, brush truck, or service truck?
    PS: I reeeeeaaally want a lifeguard edition for the D15
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  9. Car_Genius

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    Feb 21, 2016
    You can make one by using the amber light bar, roll bar, off road tires and a skin.
  10. Deleted member 126452

    Deleted member 126452
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    I think the best things would be more D35s, a double cab version and in the far future an extra-D65 would be nice.
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  11. DavidTheWild150

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    Jun 8, 2015
    No i mean either added in the game or in his d-series mod, and it would probably have to have a snorkel and maybe a tool box too.
  12. Car_Genius

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    Feb 21, 2016
    Oh. I can't help with modding, sorry!
  13. Mopower77

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    Aug 30, 2013
    needs heavier tire options. None of this 4 ply crap, let's see the 12 and 14 ply tires.
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  14. Peterbilt

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    Aug 6, 2012
    Still no mention of what my major #1 complaint was, Its a short bed.

    And a short bed dually at that. Which, do exist, but so exceedingly rare, It seems kind of silly.

    As far the engines go, the 250 I-6's were great little Chevy engines, but power wasn't they're selling point.
    As for a 4.5, yeah there are engines of a similar displacement, but have you driven them? the 4.6 Ford, 4.8 LS GM, or the 4.7 Chrysler? Now I can't speak for the 4.7 Chrysler, as I've never drove one. But the single 4.8 I've drove was kind of wimpy, and all the 4.6 Ford I've drove we're all appallingly dreadful. Between the lifter noises and terrible exhaust leaks, they had no power whatsoever.

    Now for older Dodge trucks, (94-02) I've had several, and every engine available besides a 24 Valve Cummins. In every flavor of truck, from 2wd half tons, to 4wd ext. cab one ton Duallys. The 3.9 V6 was underwhelming, but it seemed like enough engine for a 2wd half ton. The 318 (5.2), I say, is one of the best all around Chrysler engines ever made, has no problem moving a 4wd 3/4 ton down the highway, and up some fairly steep muddy hills. The 360 (5.9) in all honesty, feels pretty similar to the 318, just with some more low end torque, and 30 or 40 more horses. Although, the 360's tend to get better mileage, a 4wd half ton 318 would get about 12-13 on the highway, while the same truck with a 360 got around 15-16. (Don't ask me how, I don't know) The 8.0 V10, Though I've only had one, didn't seem to have much on the 360. It didn't feel all that much more powerful, It was a noticeable increase in power, but It wouldn't seem worthwhile to have the two extra cylinders, when all you really get is worse mileage and it doesn't sound nearly as good as a 318 or 360.

    Then, we come to the 12 valve Cummins, which the V10 was supposed to be its equal, its not, not even close. The V10 was supposed have roughly the same torque as the Cummins, But the Cummins would walk away from the V10 without breaking a sweat.

    Put simply, the 4.5 is too small.
    • Like Like x 2
  15. Nate2826

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    Aug 4, 2013
    I honestly think there should be more options for the d series, like having a long bed, more engine choices such as more v6's like a gm 4.3l v6 , a modern v6 such as a 3.6l gm, more v8s like the 4.8, 5.3, 6.0, 6.2. even a more modern version of the d series based off of like a 2014-2016 silverado or sierra trucks, and have a new roamer based off of 2016 ford explorer.
  16. NielsBlueBlick

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    Aug 21, 2013
    the devs are obviously busy making other cars and options for them, the d series have been out for 3 years and they're still adding content to it. i guess the stuff you are suggesting are already planned too, they like to surprise us. good things come for those who wait ( ゚▽゚)/
  17. BlondeOfHazzard

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    Nov 29, 2014
    is there any chance of a longer trailer to put larger cars on and tow?
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  18. Mopower77

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    Aug 30, 2013
    WHile I disagree about the v10 being underpowered, I suppose it is a bit underpowered when you get 11 mpg on the highway haha. I own one, and believe it or not, my dad has a half ton with the 360. I know for a fact I can out pull him with my truck, and it's sprung heavier and can haul more, but I would say for performance beyond just towing, the 360 may have the v10 beat simply because it's in a lighter truck.
  19. Peterbilt

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    Aug 6, 2012
    While I've only owned 3 360 powered trucks, a 97 2wd ECLB, another 97 2wd, but RCLB, and currently I have 95 ECSB 4x4, I drove a '00 3/4 ton 4wd ECLB for the State that had a 360, and it had no issue hustling it around, even with a 28 ft gooseneck flatbed with a backhoe on it.
    I like the V10's, don't get me wrong, I'd happily own another. Its just that for 488 Cubic inches and 10 cylinders, I was kind of expecting more. The only one I've had was a 96 2wd ECLB Dually, with almost 300,000 miles on it, and the only issue I had with it was the computer would get "confused" if it rained/snowed out, and it would start running really rich, or really lean, nothing in the middle, and the transmission would lose concept of what it's job it, and just start shifting up, and down and up and down, the only way to get it to stop was to shut the key off and back on.

    I later learned that the computer's case lid was busted, with about a half dollar size hole in it, just letting water pool inside it.

    Also, something I should have said earlier, Mopower's avater reminded me, The Durability of the 318's. We had a mid-70's LA 318 in a 77 Dodge Diplomat Derby car, engine had over 230K on it, I put a more aggressive cam in it, advanced the timing, and ran it. Lost the rad after 30 seconds, engine kept going for another 12 minutes until It lost steering, engine still running. Pulled the engine out and we threw it in a 88 crown vic, Ran that car twice until the rear end came out of it, sold the engine to another guy, and supposedly he's still running it.
  20. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    I real life, from what I've heard, pickups, at least full size ones, may sit about 2 inches higher in the rear than in the front, probably for load compensation.

    At least, that's true for GM.

    Does the D-series currently reflect this, and will it, if it currently doesn't?
    • Like Like x 1
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