I just spent like half an hour to forty five minutes trying to replicate my times. I cannot get lower than 1:02. AS I said, it took me forever to get that 59.818, and I hit just about every apex perfectly, I don't think it's physically possible to get lower with vanilla parts. If you don't want to post the time, whatever.
I really wondering how Frazix 700 could drive an AWD TTS2 in less than a minute (TTS2 uses sport tires) --- Post updated --- Reentered this race, improved my time. 01:02.588 Vehicle: SBR4 Hillclimb-Asphalt(Sequential)
There is no way on sport tires, I was using the slicks and unless I hit just about every corner perfectly, it would start sliding around. I just BARELY beat out Frazix. But he doesn't have to prove his time. He didn't even say what controller he used. I don't understand why I have to prove myself. But whatever.
Might be because of the vagueness of "vanilla parts" used for the car. If all you put was slicks, then yea that time should definently be on there, but Milan's the one to choose.
Still seems a little BS that I have to prove I can get sub 1:04 with a controller, the top spot didn’t even say what he used. Could’ve been a controller time. Controllers on Beam.NG are just as usable as a steering wheel. It’s not like I said I did 59 seconds with a keyboard. I’ll get a video if I have to, but again. Quite BS to me. Edit: You state no where that the type of controller used matters. So what does it matter if I used a PS3 controller?
Well why don't both of you (Dr.Barbarian and Frazix) film a run that is reasonably close to your best times. It's a much more fair trial and will give plenty of evidence for Milan to make a verdict.
Frazix hasn't replied since his first post, default mentioned his time being so low and how the SBR variant he used starts with sports tires. I just mentioned how his time being so low should also be questioned, since it seems me pointing out I was capable to make that time on my PS3 controller is being questioned. Just don't understand how my time being on a PS3 controller is whats keeping me off the board. As Jonas said, my posted screenshot should be enough evidence, since, well, that's what he asked for. In the original post.
I doubt the controller was the issue, tho. Several people have done runs with a controller, myself included, and they were fine. your original post did say "vanilla BNG parts included" but it might be too vague for Milan to qualify it. Either that or there's some inside-deal going on (I wouldn't jump to this conclusion yet tho, that would probably start a flamewar and I seroiusly doubt Milan would be like that.).
I added that it's all vanilla BNG parts since I stated it was my own custom creation. I built that car to be the perfect track, drag, and street machine, hence why it's codenamed BEAST. If that's the problem, I simply don't understand it. It's simply showing that I didn't use any parts from mods when building the car (besides the facelift bumpers when I don't have the vanialla hill climb parts added) so it is within the "not super modded, and a base game car" spectrum. But Milan did specifically say So it is, as of that post, JUST about me using a PS3 controller.
Hmm, whats so special about a PS3 controller? I wouldn't think it would be any different from any Xbox controller of the time, nor any modern controllers.
That's why I have started to call BS. I just don't understand what the fuss over my controller usage is. Would he have been so worried about my time if i said it was done with my G920? Hell, my wheel doesn't even work with Beam, the FFb is always a mess.
I can give evidence that they isn't using the right tires. I can also not see cars with this moniter extra-grip tires with 2x grip, some race brakes, no bumper supports, and race differentials (front, center, and rear). I would say that I'm on the edge of grip, but there's grip to spare.
That I am not using the right tires? Or? Edit: I use the vanilla racing slicks on the front and rear, race axles geared for acceleration, and I shift using manual gearbox mode on the race 7-speed auto. Stage 3 variable boost turbo set at 38 PSi, and stage 3 engine tuning.
Alright, checks out. You're good to go. But how did Frazix get a sub 1 minute without aero? The difference is that Dr.Balbarian is using something that is still hillclimby, and that Frazix isn't
Thats true. I barely got my time using the Nomi GTRx aero kit. I can't possibly see it happening without it, especially on a vanilla tune.