I'll clear it and see if it helps out. I've been having weird issues with textures on the T series on some official maps as well.
It would take a long time to do a FULL fix of the mod, including all the Jbeam, deformation issues, breakgroups, improved textures, etc. There's so much more that should be fixed in it if you want to use it for other purposes than farming roleplay or something.
Good point, but I'm only really using it to smash up cars. Droberts' fix was perfect for me and I appreciate it a lot.
I've been checking some final things, and I found that the controls for the combine harvester (specifically for the header), don't work anymore. It just won't spin. Maybe I'm missing a control or something idk
That's probably a loss of the original lua. I've noticed one of the other tractors didn't want to function properly. I re-assigned key binds and it seemed to help, but I haven't played much with the combine. I'll see what I can find.
Correct me if I’m wrong but is this farming pack the same mod with the orange lowboy trailer and this truck called Lizard TX45 Barrelcore? The picture below is from worldofmods.ru but I don’t want to download from there as I don’t want any virus on my computer
Cool thanks! You have no idea how long I’ve been looking for that truck cause I’d seen it in videos and screenshots but never a thread or legit download only sketchy russian sites. Hope you can fix the coupling soon!
Alright guys! I didn't think the Lizard had the "hydro_input.lua" because of it being a semi, but it did. I replaced it. I'm not sure if it originally had an airbag system, but after this revision it doesn't. You can use F3 and F4 keys to utilize the ramp for the lowboy trailer, and I think it'll operate the dump trailer. It's nice to have a traditional looking semi that weighs 18,000+ pounds. Again, this is Mr. Crash's brilliant work. I hope to see more heavy equipment mods in the future. Thanks for those of you who shared advice! I'll attempt to improve it more once I learn more about modding and correction.
I've been having issues with the upper hitch, too. I was able to get it to work by resetting the key binds in game. Just make sure to not have anything else spawned in as for some reason it messes with the bindings on every vehicle.