Make it six im more of a skoda guy but i like audis too and our audi 80 had some electrical problems and the engine had ppwerproblems
And now just go make your own Audi topic instead of spamming this thread with your off topic. OT: Looks decent. I hope you'll be able to make it look and feel like dev quality, although with the part names being very clear with "wagon *part*" I think your sedan might get some competition of an official sedan at one point.
Yep, since there are already some hints in the Jbeam files. If the devs like it, they could take mine and put it in the game though.
Where there wagons of these type of cars existing back then? I really have no idea about these old american sedans. BTW, I thought about a modern Pessima hearse. -But this is getting OT again.
Have a look at my todo, todo, todo todo todo todo todooo! list: todo: -vis.mesh done -textures/UV maps Joeyfuller2000 -body jbeam done -door jbeam done -trunk jbeam WIP -trunk hinges ? -move rear window to body ? -move sidewindows to doors ?
Oh well, you have to remove the rear bumper to be able to open the trunk. That's some Toyota logic right there. --- Post updated --- Trunk jbeaming done! (still not openable) --- Post updated --- it does open when you crash though...
maybe even a ricer version with a massive spoiler, massive body kit, and massive camber, plus fart can?
Since Joeyfuller2000 does not have so much sparetime right now, but everybody likes to see this in-game asap, is there anyone else who'd like to do the textures? or an post apocalyptic version that can swim and fly
or an post apocalyptic version that can swim and fly No, sorry, I don't know how to do that. Maybe someone else though?