Bro, that country is very, very strict of how people can have entertainment, and as well it's a common misunderstanding that all Saudis are rich, but if you just look at the infrastructure you can tell that clearly all of them aren't. Also there isn't a track in Saudi to my knowledge, and these people use rental cars, so it doesn't cost them anything to fix the damages that happen to these cars (I know, what asses), but whatever it's their own country and own culture so I don't really care about them. If they are having fun, let them do so. Also, their ways of entertainment (like this) have fortunately not entirely entered my country, UAE. Sorry if I kinda sounded mean or whatever. Just saying my opinions.
Hey dragcartv, I was wondering if this is on my end or not but for me the street lights do not have textures
I think your not the only one, this lampposts also have no collision anymore, I'm working on a new version with other lampposts and more highway, will be released on thursday. If you clear your cache, does it help maybe?
Ok now they have texture's I cleared cache but they still don't have collision, which really does not bug to be honest
dragcartv updated Emirate Island with a new update entry: v.1.4 Read the rest of this update entry...
I downloaded the map I cant find it in free roam. its in the mods list but I don't know how use it. ive downloaded many maps and this is the first time this happens. can someone please help. Thanks!
2 months? a bump? really, I was simply commenting on the fact in that I have the same issue. I will answer the "question" by simply saying, I have the same issue, therefor saying ditto. I'm sorry if I offended you by sharing my opinion on a PUBLIC forum. I will be more cautious in the future.
google- Ditto: used in accounts and lists to indicate that an item is repeated (often indicated by a ditto mark under the word or figure to be repeated).