Edit the path of scripted AI

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by OloMeister, Sep 18, 2019.

  1. OloMeister

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    Aug 25, 2019
    Would it be possible to make the path of scripted AI editable? The Script AI Manager seems like the best way to simulate races with multiple cars ( and infinite outcomes ), but it would be really helpful if you could edit the X,Y,Z and T values in the editor itself. The only way to make changes to the recorded path right now is to change the values individually in a word document, which is not really helpful.

    If it is possible to edit these paths more easily I would really appreciate someone tell me how.

    I would really like to know if this is feasible to implement or if it is already in 'development'.

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    • Screenshot17.png
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  2. danielr

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    Jan 6, 2014
    +1 as someone who loves creating races with ScriptAI as well. A system/tool to move the path around at certain points would be a nice thing to have. Sometimes when recording large grids, a single line can cause 50% of crashes. The AI doesn't 100% replicate the players recording so it'll play out differently in the end which means a lot of trail and error trying to create a line that works in a larger starting grid.

    But then, AI awareness might be implemented into ScriptAI in the future? Who knows, maybe someday we'll just be recording racing and blocking lines similar to how rFactors AI gets its information where to drive, brake, overtake or block.
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  3. OloMeister

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    Aug 25, 2019
    I honestly like the fact that they don't follow the path exactly, that way there is a little variation in every time you recreate the race ( although they are also a little slower then the recording, so that sucks ).
    Yes, AI awareness would be really neat and would create really interesting situations. Imagine Scripted AI avoiding a crash that just happened in front of them.

    What do you mean by "Blocking Lines"? I am not familiar with rFactor or it's AI system.
  4. danielr

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    Jan 6, 2014
    Yeah me to, it brings variation in racing. That's why I suggested (in the feedback thread) an additional slider for the ScriptAI tool to change the accuracy, 0-100% of how the line replays. That would also add the ability to have drifting cruises/tandems/races with AI.

    rFactor2 has probably the most realistic AI in any racing simulation. They can overtake pretty well but also block said overtakes. I've never made tracks or AI lines but knew how they worked and saw a video recently where it's explained. Basically you set the perfect racing line where most AI will drive and blocking lines around it. If one car tries to attack/overtake on a straight before a corner, the AI in front might block that attempt depending on what's ahead and where the blocking path is set. It's mostly the inside-line before a corner but there are exceptions. You place these "few" paths around the racetrack once and it'll be done for almost all car types to have a challenging race on. There are sliders for pace and aggression as well.

    Now the way they are simulated might be overkill for BeamNG, but making the paths is pretty straight forward as you don't have to record 19 individual lines (if one goes for a 20 car race for example). Setting a single (or few) racing line would be helpful already. Sure BeamNG isn't going for a racing sim, but there's a lot of potential for great races. As we can already see people enjoy racing in BeamNG. Plus there are official apps and scenarios for racing implemented in the game already.
  5. OloMeister

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    Aug 25, 2019
    Thanks a lot for explaining this to me, dude. Really interesting and I totally agree with every point you made.
  6. Andryusha

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    Jan 28, 2020
    Seems like this feature has not been implemented yet :(
  7. Maksiek

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    Apr 30, 2019
    I would like to see that in game, this would be very helpfull.
  8. QuasarX

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    May 5, 2022
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