ive tried for about 10 minutes to get it working but i followed those instructions on the main page and they didnt work could you help me?
Did you succeed ? Wip : Pickup / Van / Barstow / Burnside and Miramar added , multiple passengers and loads for some cars : Rear seats on the Barstow are not comfy :
yeah i figured it out but i had to manualy put it in the mod folder will it auto update? but now i was wondering if theres a fix for the bug that when you go in first person veiw you cant see anything except the inside of the drivers head
my next update will have this a bit changed, not perfect but it's the only "easy" fix for this : also camera are adjustable on the game menu (relative camera)
Oh, man, this is sweet. Ever considered using the dummy model too? Or people getting ejected from vehicles? Love it nonetheless.
May I suggest having the seat belt option be in the driver seat selector vs the sub-parts? So you have in the parts selector under 'Drivers Sear' You have Empty, Drivers Seat, Drivers Seat (Driver), and Drivers Seat (Driver No Seat Belt)? Because going through all the seats subparts and getting rid of the seat belts would take ages... Hope I explained that well...
You see Ivan, when drive car upside down, butt will cushion the impact, no need spend money on fancy airbag.
Probably in the future, some other models will come. The driver can be ejected if you remove the seatbelt On my next update, it's moved to the main mod slot, no more need to search.
synsol updated Driver, Passagers and Loads with a new update entry: Added Passengers and loads Read the rest of this update entry...
Can you make it compatible with these mods? https://beamng.com/resources/satsuma-210-58.2009/ https://beamng.com/resources/1965-ibishu-miramar-z-coupe.2490/
First, excellent mod. i was just thinking about this a few weeks ago. On the second hand, i have a issue with this mod. Normally i have 45-60fps on my GT755M, when i add one driver/passenger my fps drops to 15-16fps and GPU useage gets somehow capped down to 25% MAX. Somehow adding a driver or passenger decreases the GPU useage, but i noticed, if i slow down once from real time, im back to 100% GPU and 45-60fps, once i go back to real time, my GPU drops again to 25% MAX and so does the frame rate. First time i experience a such thing with a mod. Edit: pictures of the issue with graphs. Issue happens with both driver model and dummy model. 1 works good, 2 works good, 3rd gives a 40% decrease of performance, 4th gives a 75% decrease of performance. if i can debug, i gladly upload that, but dont know where to get the data. without any driver with 4 drivers/passengers, real time with 4 drivers/passengers and two times slower than real time
It'snormallyy very CPU intensive, each Dummy ads a bunch of beams and nodes, and it's considered as one car, so it's one thread only, unfortunately , nothing i can do for this