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Does beamng drive benefit from fast storage access?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sebas-Kitty, Mar 30, 2020.

  1. Sebas-Kitty

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    Jun 3, 2016
    something i've been wondering for the last few weeks.

    does beamng drive benefit from fast storage besides large map loading?

    i usually keep my beamng drive on my sata ssd instead of my storage drives but now that i got a nvme drive i'm wondering.

    wil beamng benefit from fast storage if you were to use AI traffic with 6 or more cars?

    i have ran beamng drive on a 40 gb ram disk before (mods and game were housed within) and did notice it had more game stability (for example. less crashes. or more importantly. not the 1 to 2 second full hang the game sometimes has when traveling beyond 250 kmu)

    thank you alot for any of your infos and personal experiences ^^
  2. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    Fast storage will mainly help with loading things (ie. accessing, reading, writing files).

    It would not affect vehicle simulation in any noticeable way (aside loading vehicles' assets)
  3. Sebas-Kitty

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    Jun 3, 2016
    hm.. you'd reckon a storage access bottleneck would cause performance problems for traffic?
    i noticed traffic likes to change the colors every respawn so that would cause a reload of the vehicle files right?
  4. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    No, it's just changing the color values, it's not reloading any assets.
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