If you have got permission from Chris Lucas, you can probably quote his message to you in first post where he gives permission to you, nobody will block thread if all that is clear. Why anyone would block thread when you have permission to release it? Just don't use anything which you have not clearly given permission to use and you will be fine.
He doesn't have permission from chris_lucas, and chris is not happy about not even being asked for permission in the first place. chris has also been busy with personal stuff, so I wouldn't expect for him to reply to PMs about this, although from the way I understand it, he isn't going to give permissions to use it anyways.
Hmm, I have seen message from Chris to Z and I got bit different impression from there, but do you have more accurate information about the matter? Either way I suggested Z to ask verification before any release to be sure as wording was enough to create confusion. After processing this probabilities of these conflicting bits of information I have come to two probable cases. A) Message of Chris that I have seen has been from earlier time than information opkraut has B) Information that opkraut has is from earlier date than information I have seen Insufficient data to make definite conclusion, would need to know times of each information and I have neither.
General tip: If you're planning on releasing a mod in any capacity, make sure that you get the permission from the original author of the code before you start on your project. I absolutely cannot stress this more.
Where is the download link for the train it self? i mean i see the wagons and the horn and map but not the train? am i missing something. zagdima Joined: Dec 13, 2013 Messages: 211 Hello. Car transport wagon (made by me) Available for Download! Gondola wagon Model created by ironhorse5555. They are all in beta, and some of them available for Download. Autotrain, Gondola wagon. Available for Download. Added train horn unpack as usual and choose in soundscape or Horn train horn. Train horn installation process same as train installation. My Test map The MAPS on which I'm mostly testing my Trains - Roane County https://beamng.com/threads/the-tenn...-discussion-suggestion-feedback-thread.26737/ or Sultan Peak this one is better for beginners. https://beamng.com/threads/sultan-peak.27480/ Update 1 F7 train: Light, Smoke, new engine system and new coupler system with the Help from BeamDrifter Update 2: Fix engine problems, increased train speed. Update 3: Fix autotrain coupling problem. Update 4: Autotrain (carwagon) fixed wobbling up down. Update 6: Autotrain (carwagon) New textures some wheel changes. Update 7: Added new gondola wagon for Download Update 9: Added test map rail tracks from Roane County map. Update 10: Added new version of gondola - new bogies, new skin, new couplers. If you encounter some problems feel free to write to me. Autotrain wagon you can paint any color. MRK kit: RAILROAD TRACKS by bob.blunderton https://www.beamng.com/threads/mrk-kit-railroad-tracks.57350/
Currently unavailable. I recommend reading some posts above and on previous pages, but you are better now to wait a little as things are being worked and solved. --- Post updated --- I think your information is not the most recent, I'm quite certain he has permission right now.
Okay Sorry about that i seen the new models and i thought the train was still out to the public i haven't been reading things because sometimes they go off topic Thank you Though
Well, I guess he did give permission. I'm in a Discord server with him and I somehow managed to miss that he decided to give permissions. My bad.
After some Modifications to the JBeam file, now i have add the realistic weight to the F7: 112,200 Tons
I gave it 140 tons it feels more stable and less wobbly --- Post updated --- Maybe i will leave stock Rio Grande skin plus new black?
I need the download link, as I accidentally deleted mine off the face of the earth, and I have the deadzone map.
use the black with orange stripe as a stock skin, also it would be cool if you could make a beamng skin like on the crd monster truck.
Yes, Zagdima has permission, but as you release your version, you would need to have permission from Chris Lucas, otherwise you might cause new disaster and no trains for anyone.