Need to learn slide nodes and more from hydros, so attempting to do something that belongs back of the small bed I'm building. This is why that bed looks unnaturally short, when crane is on place, it will not look too short anymore. It is just quite difficult to model for me, but seems to help figuring out those round shapes and how to connect them. I just edit this here so it does not create too much of spam. Sometimes I wonder why I have to always find most complex way to solve simple issue: I guess that I could of just put node there without spinning axle thing, but from some reason I had to do it differently and incredibly complex way. At least it did not collapse or explode, but it is in need of slight optimizing, I haven't really seen a guide that would give general principles of node beam structure design, so via many fails something will happen Optimized a bit now, another piece needs jbeam and then pieces needs to be connected together, I'm not sure if I make them different parts or if they will have just one jbeam: So jbeam is not complete, but it is mostly done, except not good, thing flexes way too much. Need to figure out a way to rigidify that, shorter beams? Or maybe non collidable nodes and supporting structures, but does non collidable nodes even exist? Besides that would make it harder to get weight right etc.
So entirely - we've had a few maps with train tracks in them. I don't know why what's-his-name* hasn't update his choo-choo train in a while (imagine a 36 year old 200lbs man saying that, as I just have)... but we're going to have more looping-layout fun for trains in the coming map. It's so much more than just that though. I am highly considering (yes and even modelling) joining my set of raised track I recently got, up to a dual-track subway system. Yes you heard that right. A usable subway system. It *should* be fully implemented (even if the models are a bit rough) before this thing even hits the servers for public download (which admittedly is a while off yet, I wouldn't know how long but 'months' is a good saying right now). I don't quite have all the textures I need yet, and it won't be super-fancy or super-detailed, but it will certainly be functional. Yes, of-course there will be a way to introduce vehicles into the stations or tracks if you so make the dedicated effort to (without warping the car there). So if you want to spawn a train on the tracks, that's in motion, and you want to slam a car into it on a police chase, you entirely could (if you can find a working train). @chris_lucas feel like making any halfway-recent subway cars from the 1960's or newer? Something like those tin-cans that the New York subway/metro system uses? You will have a use for them, and this is 'standard train track' gauge that's been around since Rig of Rods. Included is a picture of the current type of tunnel I am going for. This will be the collision mesh (there's no textures yet, still contemplating those). The ends are flared a bit (except the ceiling where it needn't be), to help with collision if something is sliding or skidding along the surface(s). My stations will look closer to the nice ones in Mexico city, vs the rubbish run-down ones like in New York Chambers Street station for example. Trying to avoid level crossings this time around in my city, as much as possible. However there may be a select few, I will be experimenting with ways to model them so the crossings don't eat cars as easily. If anyone has any input or anything interesting, feel free to message me in the near future. I check messages a few times daily (or as I use the browser). Try not to clutter up this thread with responses (as per moderator's wishes/instructions on it), unless you're attaching an in-development picture with your response. Thanks for your input folks! EDIT: I attached a picture of a four-lane road-tunnel at the moment so you can see it textured, though admittedly it's much too clean for a subway tunnel (the subway tunnel will have more dirt/grunge to it, and no four lane road in it, derp...).
4.5L V8 swapped I-Series! Almost done I think, needs a few changes. Exhaust and intake/superchargers are invisible With stage 3 supercharger it produces can achieve 500 kmh if I could control it since it likes to spin out.
when i got it, it has no configs, and when i spawn it, it is not there. Same applies to the charger pls help.