Here's a clip of a "fastest lap" timer ui mod (top left) I started recently. It tracks the laptime of every vehicle and shows a message for every PB. Maybe it could be useful in some trackday sessions.. with your friends.. who cut the track to get fast laps?
i love the design but the wheelwells feel a little small compared to the massive wheelbase and large quarterpanels
Finally got around to remodeling the Hirochi Overlander wheels, at least the ones I have on my IRL car. Waaay better than the old model. Its not perfect, but this was only an hour of work.
Played a bit with the new bolide chassis I would love to show you the body i chose but it's not my own
currently converting the techdemo d series and gridmap to 0.24 with someone. that somone has converted the pickup and im in the process of doing the map. map floor looks weird at the moment but will be sorted.
New AL version out, AL17 Youll find it here: Quick dump of the AL17 shots from the comparison in the link:
Starting to finish up this texture, I think it's pretty good for a first attempt. Feedback would be amazing.