Just because it reminds me of the good times when BeamNG was simpler (not saying that I dislike new BeamNG)
Some of my favorite quotes from the Delta testing. "Words truly cannot describe just how terrible the new special edition Gavril Roamer Delta is. This car should've been a victory lap for Gavril. Performance engine? Check. Offroad suspension? Check. 4-wheel drive train? Check. Success? Far from it. One of the biggest selling points with this car was the engine. The unique supercharged V8 provides a metric ton of power in the blink of an eye, but the suspension was clearly never set up to handle such power, which results in the front end going straight to the moon anytime you touch the throttle. Just in case that wasn't bad enough, when the rear end dips the oversized rear tires rub the wheel well, creating a sound equatable to running a frying pan over the world's largest rumble strip." "When it comes to the duallies, they will only enhance your driving displeasure as not only do they give the vehicle the appearance of being assembled in a shed at the edge of someone's farm, but they also jut out so far from the body that they will frequently collide with any unfortunate object in your immediate vicinity. During our road-tests we found the rear wheels banging into every single curb we happened to get even remotely close too and, on several occasions, nearly clipped other motorists." "Build quality on our test car was somehow a mix of good and terrible. The interior was put together very well, with no horrible interior rattles or wind noises like we had in our Grand Marshal test car a few years back. However, the quality control must have stopped at the interior because the exterior was a disaster. The matte black paint was already peeling off the already horrendously crude looking bull bar. The roof rack was another point of incredible ineptitude, with the entire rack only being held on with a few screws we can only guess were sourced from a local hardware store. The fit of this rack was so bad that during our cross-country tests, the rack partially broke loose after sheering one of these cheap screws which lead to it smacking down on the roof every time we hit a bump. The plastic fender flares were also a sore spot, with them being incredibly flimsy and already coming loose from the factory, with us managing to pop one off with only a finger." "But by far the worst part of this already horrible package is the price. For this semi-truck, dragster, backyard chop job hybrid you will have to lay down a whopping $12,000 more than a regular, fully equipped 4WD Roamer! Just to make it that little bit worse, even at such a high price point, the vehicle only comes with a standard interior and only in a silver typically used on Gavril's fleet or economy vehicles. Do yourself a favor and stay away from this thing. Not just at the dealership, but on the road as well as it will not only total your wallet, but its rear tires will likely total your car as you pass by as well."
I gave my not finished new Mercedes from Automation an auto bike carrier! I unfortunately destroyed my old Mercedes by testing a different body for the car (because I found that the body didn't fit properly) That's why it says “new Mercedes”
add an interior to that man. will make it 50x better and +15 points for props (props are the movey things like the pedals and steering wheel)
I'm going to do the interior in the future anyway, but first I'm going to build the exterior of the car.