Spent months carefully disassembling the 'B25 Mitchell Bomber' making it ready to move in pieces to a new location with a professional Trucking Company. Finally got the main body and tail loaded onto the Trailer and ready to set off. Not something you see everyday....only in BeamNG
Those 'Centerline' Rims do look good....What are they actually called?...as I can not find them OT: May have discovered the ETK Gambler 500's 'Party Trick'...lol....she can pull a 'Wheelie' and stay up if you have the right speed and a long enough stretch of straight road. She starts lifting at about 195km/h (121 mph) and stays up at approx 230km/h (143mph)...had the help of 'Meo's 500CUI Drag Engine' installed to get up to speed quickly BeamNG Devs....it would be cool to have lots more 'Sparks' as the back end stays on the ground at the top speed while doing the wheelie....lol --- Post updated --- Another great set of 'Liveries' Top Tier Studios, always enjoy looking at them