I believe he made it. He made awesome mods for Rigs of rods but they were never released to the public.
because i cant drive a car, in minecraft (at least not one that doesnt look like blocks) (and there's no soft body physics in minecraft) - - - Updated - - - loaded up an old version, because the sand eating wheel bug was actually kind of funny Here, we see the predator that we like to call SAND, eating the tires, of this gavril D15:
Downhill around 60MPH, lost control and flipped several times, right into a tree, then spins around a few times and comes to a rest as it is here. Totalled, frame damage. Carrying On:
added thruster's to the 49 caddilac, i can go up to 15000, without it becoming uncontrollably, any higher, and its just to hard to drive, i did try 50000, it spun out so bad, that it litterally ripped apart: (imported from here)
Hers some shots from A HUGE map I've been been working on for a LONG time now...may release a WIP soon Ready for Takeoff And safely off the ground! Cruising speed achieved