When you spend an hour photo-shopping an image to make it look vintage, and get five likes and then a shitty unfunny meme gets 4 times more ot:
Considering how real life bus drivers often drive, that isn't far off... OT: Now that I'm getting use to my new G29, I decided to take the ram T-series out for a spin. This was by far the longest I got it running before it gave up. The graphics gave up far before the truck did with that graphics glitch through the plow. I spent a good 5mn dragging around a '53 Special. Then another 5mn with a '96 Pessima. Then another 5mn with a Bluebuck.
yall mind if i just uhhhhhhh --- Post updated --- actually re did that with dynamic reflections so uhhhhhh
Should I release this on REPO? Agree- Yes Informative- No press F to pay respects EDIT: This is dead stop sending informatives
what about this? Informative = Non't Agree = yesn't Like = i do not know how to read Edit: say no more fam