uhhhhhh with that bad of a totalled unibody you're gonna end up having to buy a whole new kashira and swap onto it any of the five or six pieces that haven't beny bent ajar and unaligned in some way, spending twice as much in the process. That thing is TOTALLED totalled.
I'm just trying to help out by saying that there is some place for selling cars, but i ran out of new screenshots to post with my "help letter", if you will. Anyway, go here, but you need to be in the BeamNG roleplay group. OT: here, have an old pic
I'm pretty sure that the 8700k only has 6 cores 12 threads and the 9700k has the full 8 cores 16 threads OT:
Don't worry, I haven't been on the forums in a while and wasn't really up to date on the road cruiser thing back when it existed, thanks for the clarification! OT: