Was listening to the "THE REAL NAMES OF MEME SONGS | PART 1". Started driving a Pessima. Tokyo Drift started. Perfect!
FINALLY, I have tried that so many times and failed, hopefully you can someday release this to the fourms (Not the repository) ot: rEpOsT
Quick question... Is this actually gonna be released if you finish it, I know some of your other stuff sadly will not be released. ot: anoTher repost
In life we must always think consequences of our actions, we must ask is it right to suppress and abuse those that are born as certain color or a race, can we say it is right to use Miramars for our pleasure as we please just because Miramar happened to be born as a Miramar? Just look at their pleading eyes that reflect sufferings of man's doing, can we say it is right to use Miramars to do our thing just because they were born as Miramars? No, we should rise above that and treat all equally despite of race or color they represent, we should be greater man and no more should we put Miramar over Miramar, we should treat all races of vehicles equally, we shall put Miramar over ETK and Gavril over Miramar : But most importantly, we should put True American heroism over everything: And that is what life is all about, to make one wonderfully messy cocktail of all sorts, so go ahead let sparks ignite and do your thing!
Has anyone got some really detailed v8 sounds i can use for my Hopper as it's stuck with the stock sound ?
Also my barstow is still the same, even though i have the d15 crawler mod de activated like people said to do ? any better help, ido not want to delete it tho as i use the suspension conponents from it in a config of mine