Nope , i chose the rally sunburst - - - Updated - - - Playing with AI could result in destructive rallies .
Hmmm...I'm getting untextured rally lights, I tried deleting the cache and going to stable version (I was on experimental) but nothing. Time to reinstall maybe?
crdtis goess to drswysem for improeving her larg speiner wathvc in 720p60fsp or angri pigoen wil raep u
Sunburst Colour Palette (imported from here) (imported from here) (imported from here) (imported from here) (imported from here) (imported from here) Full album link:
I didn't know the wheels floated XD (imported from here) The T75 is quite nice actually. (imported from here) The Sunburst definitely is a photogenic car, no matter what! XD (imported from here)
In the second image, you forgot to resize the wheels. You can see where they are sunk into the ground where the sunburst wheel is larger than the covet wheel you've just meshswapped. In my image above I've rescaled the mesh to fit the original covet size (and retweaked covet pressures and grip), alternately the Jbeam could be tweaked to match the new wheels size.