Drove along a little overgrown dirt path in Fujigoko and spoopy thing went across the road(the one that leads to the man hanging from his leg on a tree). I was so spooped I slammed my car into a tree. Ot: Handbrake turn at 200mph was (not) a great idea Basic AI (both cars were driven by them) Good as new
the carbon fibre bonnet isn't meant to look like this right? (to my knowledge there should be a carbon fibre texture effect, but I just get black :/) Is that a yes?
The 200BX Ute was released recently in D-Troxx's 200BX mod. The Sunburst Ute was released by daniel398767 some time back. OT: I have nothing new to share, so here's a repost.
Awesome job O.O gotta keep the work done @Brother_Dave ^_^ Anyways, here's you OT *regrets so much using an old version of reshade*