What other program has this awesomeness?....what other program would allow you to drive this wonderful machine straight into a telephone pole at 100 mph and do it a million different ways and the outcome is NEVER the same?.......dats whad I tawt.
dat explosion: (imported from here) and ALT+P version for those who want that: http://puu.sh/c4lJQ/5968f20529.png (link because close to 4K reoslution)
Woah! A small (aerobatic ¿?) airplane has been seen this morning towing a banner of some company/thing I've never heard of before. It has been a very nice visit though it was very windy day. Video: You might be wondering, an aerobatic aircraft carrying a banner? Yeah, just for fun . And because physics . Updated development info: Aerobatic Aircraft (Extra 300SC)
My modded 6x6. Weighed about 13200lbs here. Out weighed the T-75 here. This is what was left of the Covet at 60mph. The 6x6 suffers from the school bus issue. It's weight will destroy anything else it hits except a solid object.
t75 just laughs at explosion: (imported from here) (bumper is a bit bent and the t75 flew up a few feet, but other then that its 100% fully functioning)
I love the new propane tank! Because good ideas are overrated. The moment of impact. The aftermath. #rekt
Dropped a propane tank onto a Grand Marshall from a ridiculous height. I did it a few times, but here's one of the most spectacular results. Point of impact. Result. And on that bombshell...