So hyped! Can't wait to have this mod (hopefully) see the light of day, and like Dan said it'll ignite so many NR2003 memories.
Why wouldn't it? Personally, I think the default v8 sound needs a more loud mean sound which is why I wont be using it.
In the mean time working on the suspension. Not going to post more pictures until suspension is done. But I'll be glad to tell you that it is a roller atm.
I know it may be annoying but could we possible get a dale earnhardt skin just for a little respect to him it would also be on the right body but sorry to bug you
If you have experience with vehicle modding in this game and willing to help with me making this mod possible PM me! Have proof ready for past beamng vehicle modding experiences!
any updates? I was browsing the forums a few weeks ago and saw your post about that russian nascar mod and you mentioned that you were still working on this
Yes still a WIP. I was just working on it yesterday actually. Suspension isn't something easy to do. And I cant seem to get the tire jbeam to fit them properly. I want the suspension to be fully adjustable as well. So no its not dead yet! Will post pictures when I get it in a condition i'm satisfied with.
So I got some interesting news A special someone decided to give me some great help with my mod By help I mean loaning me a stock car mod he had made a few months ago which will serve great help on my mod Hes allowing me to reuse jbeam sections and some good tips on how it should deform Though I will be gone from june 16th to july 6th unfortunately but afterward expect some good progress!
Huh... I've always wondered what a modern Nascar (in this case, a Cup Camaro ZL1) would look like with absolutely no decals. Neat.
The mod doesn't support skinning for some reason so you'd have to manually change the texture of it in the file itself
How done is that model, looks pretty complete on the outside, but how much more work would you estimate is left.
I cant even make an estimate for this. All I can say is that it'll be released when I feel satisfied with it.