great, what sound the v6 uses ? Also the front wheel drive dragesters tires like to disapear. And the fuel cap door can disaper too but like it doesnt fall off it just disapears
why is there 2 worn out glass in the light color section one is dust and isnt but wahts the difrance betwen the non dust worn out glass and the empty one ?
also chould you make that so the gas cap door falls of not just disapears thin air also i did realize that when i break the glass above the gas cap door the gas cap door breaks too.
Buick 3.8 V6 straight pipe - YouTube ive noticed these american style v6s have a lot more of a meaty sound, so could possibly be tuned to be deeper, or as ive done a few times ive actually used a modified v8 sound (bad solution but good enough for me lol)
Idk much about sound tuning myself, so if you could get one of the vanilla sounds to sound like this, that would be great
yeah i mean you could just rip the v6 sounds from my mod but they are pretty unpopular and are going to be changed eventually anyway. i will see if i can help
not sure if you can import sounds from that, but anyway, would need to to a lot to get it to work, im pretty sure..
the sound is a mp3 and it gets sped up wen drving and slows wen you brake soon will it be possble its new for now its mp3
I checked and there is literally no difference lol Anyway, progress for today, added retracable fender antennas (hide with ignition off) And also did lots of research about what parts were available on what versions irl so I can make more accurate configs